Alcohol Abuse Treatment - Alcohol Rehab Directory

Local Time in Bellevue is 7:04:24 PM

Bellevue, Ohio Population:

Bellevue, Ohio has a population of 8,193 as of 2000.

Population Breakdown in Bellevue, Ohio:

Caucasian - 7,878
African American - 22
Hispanic - 210
Other - 83

Bellevue, OH. Education Information:

Bellevue had a total of 2,556 high school graduates in 2000.
Bellevue, OH. has a total of 490 college graduates with a bachelor's degree
or higher and 1,361 people with some college education. (Includes
Associates Degree)

Bellevue Family Info Breakdown:

Bellevue has a total of 300 single parents with children.
There are also 793 parents who are married with children in Bellevue, Ohio.

Bellevue, Ohio Housing Breakdown:

Bellevue has 2,340 houses that are owner occupied.
Bellevue has 992 houses that are renter-occupied.
Around 211 houses are vacant in Bellevue, Ohio.
$87,100 is the average value of a house in Bellevue, OH.
$485 is the average cost to rent a house in Bellevue.

Bellevue, Ohio Income Information:

The average income per family is $47,953 in Bellevue.

Zip codes in Bellevue

Area codes in Bellevue
419 567

Map of Bellevue, Ohio :

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How Long Should I Stay in an Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility in Bellevue?

There is no "magic number" as to how long is best when it comes to the length of alcohol abuse rehabilitation. There are many factors to think about when considering how long your Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Bellevue should be. These factors include the length of alcohol abuse history, your history of prior alcohol treatment, your budget for rehab, and how many if any relapses you may have had, and the severity of underlying issues or trauma's in your life. There is no way to determine exactly how long it will take you to fully recover from alcohol abuse. A good way of looking at the duration of alcohol treatment is that recovery from alcohol takes as long as it takes. This of course varies wildly from person to person in Bellevue.

Scientific research and statistics have determined that longer term residential Alcohol Rehab Facilities consisting of 90 days or longer provide the greatest potential for success. Many in-patient Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Detoxification Facilities in Bellevue are typically 28 or 30 days in length. Most 28 or 30 day Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs in Bellevue were originally designed to conform with insurance companies because many insurance carriers only cover a maximum of 28 to 30 days of substance abuse treatment. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict with certainty that exactly "28 days" is the correct amount of time to recover from drug or alcohol addiction. In fact, in most cases this is not enough time for a successful lasting recovery.

When trying to determine the correct length of stay at an Alcohol Treatment Facility in Bellevue, It is always best to seek help from an addiction professional who can assess the overall situation and be able to suggest the correct treatment type and length based on their knowledge and experience. Let's face it, alcohol abuse and addiction, to a vast majority of people is largely misunderstood and as a result, people often make improper choices as to which type of Alcoholism Treatment Facility in Bellevue they should consider, therefore they often receive inadequate treatment.

What should I expect during alcohol rehab in Bellevue?

Attending an Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility in Bellevue can be different for each person, however, there are some similarities that can be expected. The first step of a Bellevue Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility is often alcohol detoxification (withdrawal). Alcohol withdrawal is when a person with an alcohol abuse problem stops drinking alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal can last a few days and may include nausea or vomiting, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety. These symptoms will be reduced effectively by attending an Alcohol Treatment Facility in Bellevue. Some Alcohol Rehab Facilities in Bellevue will offer an on-site alcohol detox while others may have you attend an off-site medical detox center and then have you return to complete the Bellevue Alcoholism Treatment Facility once the detoxification process is complete. Either way, the person in recovery must withdrawal from the alcohol which is safer and more comfortable when done as part of a Bellevue Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Facility.

For some, the initial alcohol detox process is the hardest part of attending an Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Facility in Bellevue. Others find that their difficulty arises in therapy where they must confront their misguided beliefs and addictive behaviors. Often times, the recovering alcohol abuser will tend to unknowingly focus on present time problems going on with family, friends, loved ones, and issues at home. This is usually an attempt to avoid confronting their own problems by focusing on outside distractions. It is important for family and loved ones to avoid involving the addict with issues at home or anything other than their treatment plan. The addict must keep focused on himself and confront his own issues and his case points that need addressed.

Alcohol rehab is not easy! It is not easy confronting one's addiction, problems, issues, traumas, and transgressions, but is is something that must be done and with hard work and dedication, and the end result is well worth any struggles the recovering individual may have had while attending the Bellevue Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Center. There is no better feeling in the world than to overcome tradgedy. The right Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Bellevue will keep the recovering alcohol abuser winning, gaining, succeeding, and continually feeling better about themselves.

Once one has completed an Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center in Bellevue, he should feel that he can be a valuable and productive member of society again. It is important for the recovered individual to understand that it is their responsibility to remain sober and that if there is a relapse then that does not mean that they give in completely. Successful Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Detoxification Facilities in Bellevue believe that the ability to accomplish a complete recovery from alcohol abuse must be based on the belief that an individual is not powerless, and in fact, must take responsibility for his or her own actions.

Are There Alcohol Rehab Facilities for Teens in Bellevue?

Yes, there are different types of Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Detoxification Facilities available in Bellevue for teens and adolescents. The decision to enroll your child into a Bellevue Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility is not one to be taken lightly. When alcohol abuse has become a central aspect of your teen’s life, time is essential. You must quickly educate yourself about the many different types of adolescent Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs available in Bellevue. Parents and families must be informed and involved in their child's alcohol abuse recovery.

Adolescence is a time of transition when the body is undergoing many significant changes, such as hormonal alterations and brain development. It is also a time when your child may begin to associate with peers and new friends where they may feel pressure to ‘fit in’ or ‘go along with the crowd’ in order to be accepted socially. These new circumstances can be confusing and difficult for the youth in Bellevue to understand and deal with. Often their ability to make correct or safe decisions is also at a stage of immaturity. Exposing the brain to alcohol during this period may interrupt key processes of brain development, possibly leading to mild cognitive impairment as well as to a further escalation of drinking leading to alcohol abuse and addiction.

Many parents in Bellevue tend to justify teen alcohol abuse as a "stage" that their teen will grow out of, but this is often not the case. In fact, studies have shown that adolescents who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence at some time in their lives. For this reason, The earlier one seeks help from an Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Bellevue for their adolescents alcohol abuse problems, the better.

It is important to note that alcohol treatment for teens does not need to be voluntary to be effective. In fact, most teens having alcohol abuse problems don't realize their drinking has gotten out of control at all, despite having negative consequences with school, family, and behavior. When your child's ability to make safe and correct decisions is compromised, it is vital that as their parent, you step in to make the correct decision for your them so they may remain safe and receive the help they need from a Bellevue Alcohol Treatment Facility.

Lake Geauga Center on Alcoholism and
Lake Geauga Center on Alcoholism and is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 9083 Mentor Avenue Mentor, OH 44060
Lake Geauga Center on Alcoholism and specializes in Hearing Impaired. Lake Geauga Center on Alcoholism and provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Lake Geauga Center on Alcoholism and accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Lake Geauga Center on Alcoholism and is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (440) 255-0678.

Tri-West is a Alcohol Treatment Facility located at 3035 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43204
Tri-West specializes in Hearing Impaired. Tri-West provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Tri-West accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Tri-West is a Alcoholism Treatment Facility that can be contacted at (614) 351-3450.

Sojourner Recovery Services
Sojourner Recovery Services is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 1430 Peck Boulevard Hamilton, OH 45011
Sojourner Recovery Services specializes in Pregnant Women, Women, and Hearing Impaired. Sojourner Recovery Services provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Sojourner Recovery Services accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Sojourner Recovery Services is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (513) 887-0300.

Compass House Inc
Compass House Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 1440 Lexington Avenue Lorain, OH 44052
Compass House Inc specializes in Men. Compass House Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Compass House Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Compass House Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (440) 246-5111.

Covenant Adolescent CD Treatment and
Covenant Adolescent CD Treatment and is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 1515 West 29th Street Cleveland, OH 44113
Covenant Adolescent CD Treatment and specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Criminal Justice Clients, Hearing Impaired, and Spanish. Covenant Adolescent CD Treatment and provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, and Day Treatment Services. Covenant Adolescent CD Treatment and accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Covenant Adolescent CD Treatment and is a Alcohol Rehab Facility that can be contacted at (216) 574-9000.

Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr
Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 145 Morris Road Circleville, OH 43113
Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Pregnant Women, Women, Criminal Justice Clients, and Hearing Impaired. Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (740) 474-8874.

Mental Health Servs for Clark Cnty Inc
Mental Health Servs for Clark Cnty Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 924 East Home Road Springfield, OH 45504
Mental Health Servs for Clark Cnty Inc specializes in Teens. Mental Health Servs for Clark Cnty Inc provides these types of treament : Mental Health Treatment, and Day Treatment Services. Mental Health Servs for Clark Cnty Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Mental Health Servs for Clark Cnty Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Center that can be contacted at (937) 390-8004.

Jewish Family Service Association
Jewish Family Service Association is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 24075 Commerce Park Road Beachwood, OH 44122
Jewish Family Service Association provides these types of treament : Mental Health Treatment. Jewish Family Service Association accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Jewish Family Service Association is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (216) 292-3999.

Syntaxis Youth Homes
Syntaxis Youth Homes is a Alcoholism Treatment Program located at 2824 Joyce Avenue Columbus, OH 43211
Syntaxis Youth Homes specializes in Teens, and Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse. Syntaxis Youth Homes provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Syntaxis Youth Homes accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Syntaxis Youth Homes is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (614) 895-6818.

Day Mont Behavioral Healthcare Inc
Day Mont Behavioral Healthcare Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 221 Alliance Place Dayton, OH 45404
Day Mont Behavioral Healthcare Inc specializes in Women, and Hearing Impaired. Day Mont Behavioral Healthcare Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Day Mont Behavioral Healthcare Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. Day Mont Behavioral Healthcare Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (937) 461-6630.

Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr
Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 126 East 2nd Street Chillicothe, OH 45601
Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Pregnant Women, Women, Hearing Impaired, Spanish, and Foreign Languages other than Spanish. Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Ctr is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (740) 775-1260x264.

Neighboring Mental Health Services
Neighboring Mental Health Services is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 5930 Heisley Road Mentor, OH 44060
Neighboring Mental Health Services specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, and Hearing Impaired. Neighboring Mental Health Services provides these types of treament : Mental Health Treatment. Neighboring Mental Health Services accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Neighboring Mental Health Services is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (440) 354-9924.

Lutheran Social Services of
Lutheran Social Services of is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 6 Main Street Wapakoneta, OH 45895
Lutheran Social Services of specializes in Senior / Over 50, Women, Men, DUI / DWI, Criminal Justice Clients, and Hearing Impaired. Lutheran Social Services of provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Lutheran Social Services of accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Lutheran Social Services of is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (419) 739-7788.

New Visions Unlimited Inc
New Visions Unlimited Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 9700 Garfield Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44125
New Visions Unlimited Inc specializes in Teens. New Visions Unlimited Inc provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. New Visions Unlimited Inc accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. New Visions Unlimited Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (216) 883-6700.

Columbus Area Inc
Columbus Area Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 3035 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43204
Columbus Area Inc specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse. Columbus Area Inc provides these types of treament : Mental Health Treatment. Columbus Area Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Columbus Area Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (614) 351-3450.

Tuscarawas County
Tuscarawas County is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 897 East Iron Avenue Extension Dover, OH 44622
Tuscarawas County specializes in Teens, Criminal Justice Clients, and Hearing Impaired. Tuscarawas County provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Tuscarawas County accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Tuscarawas County is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (330) 343-5555x183.

East Side Catholic Center Shelter Inc
East Side Catholic Center Shelter Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 13211 Chapel Side Cleveland, OH 44120
East Side Catholic Center Shelter Inc specializes in Pregnant Women, Women, Residential Beds for Adolescents, and Hearing Impaired. East Side Catholic Center Shelter Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Halfway Housing, and Residential Long Term Treatment. East Side Catholic Center Shelter Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. East Side Catholic Center Shelter Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (216) 231-5556.

Community Assessment and Trt Services
Community Assessment and Trt Services is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center located at 8415 Broadway Avenue Cleveland, OH 44105
Community Assessment and Trt Services specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Criminal Justice Clients. Community Assessment and Trt Services provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Halfway Housing, Day Treatment Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Community Assessment and Trt Services accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Community Assessment and Trt Services is a Alcohol Program Alcoholism Center that can be contacted at (216) 441-0200.

SA MI Synthesis Team
SA MI Synthesis Team is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Center located at 11420 Lorain Avenue Cleveland, OH 44111
SA MI Synthesis Team specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, and Criminal Justice Clients. SA MI Synthesis Team provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. SA MI Synthesis Team accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. SA MI Synthesis Team is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility that can be contacted at (216) 889-9640.

Glenbeigh Center of Niles
Glenbeigh Center of Niles is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 29 North Road SE Niles, OH 44446
Glenbeigh Center of Niles specializes in Hearing Impaired. Glenbeigh Center of Niles provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Halfway Housing. Glenbeigh Center of Niles accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Glenbeigh Center of Niles is a Alcohol Treatment Program that can be contacted at (330) 652-6770.

Alcohol Treatment Centers by City in Ohio Listed Alphabetically:

Nearby Cities

Clyde is 7.26 Miles from Bellevue
Monroeville is 7.80 Miles from Bellevue
Castalia is 8.76 Miles from Bellevue
Green Springs is 10.96 Miles from Bellevue
Norwalk is 12.20 Miles from Bellevue
Milan is 12.56 Miles from Bellevue
Sandusky South is 12.70 Miles from Bellevue
Bay View is 13.40 Miles from Bellevue
Sandusky is 13.68 Miles from Bellevue
Republic is 14.01 Miles from Bellevue
Fairview Lanes is 14.20 Miles from Bellevue
Attica is 14.74 Miles from Bellevue
Fremont is 15.14 Miles from Bellevue
Ballville is 15.62 Miles from Bellevue
Willard is 16.39 Miles from Bellevue
Stony Prairie is 16.68 Miles from Bellevue
Huron is 16.73 Miles from Bellevue
North Fairfield is 16.78 Miles from Bellevue
Port Clinton is 16.95 Miles from Bellevue
Bloomville is 17.90 Miles from Bellevue

Find Alcohol Rehab Centers in Major Cities Near Bellevue, Ohio:

Elyria is 39.00 Miles from Bellevue
Toledo is 46.54 Miles from Bellevue
Lakewood is 55.83 Miles from Bellevue
Parma is 58.32 Miles from Bellevue
Cleveland is 62.43 Miles from Bellevue
Taylor is 69.55 Miles from Bellevue
Akron is 70.27 Miles from Bellevue
Euclid is 72.00 Miles from Bellevue
Dearborn is 74.32 Miles from Bellevue
Dearborn Heights is 75.11 Miles from Bellevue
Westland is 76.98 Miles from Bellevue
Detroit is 77.94 Miles from Bellevue
Canton is 78.70 Miles from Bellevue
Redford is 80.77 Miles from Bellevue
Livonia is 81.89 Miles from Bellevue
Mentor is 82.78 Miles from Bellevue
Canton is 83.05 Miles from Bellevue
Ann Arbor is 83.05 Miles from Bellevue
St Clair Shores is 83.78 Miles from Bellevue
Warren is 84.55 Miles from Bellevue

Quick Drug Facts

Only 30% of adults in the U.S. believe that drinking can form part of a healthy, balanced life.
Think that medical personnel have the highest rate of alcohol problems? Not according to an interesting new survey that uses the Alcohol Cost Calculator. The highest likely number of problem drinkers (alcohol abusers and alcohol dependent employees) are in the mining and construction fields, with wholesale and retail employees next. In contrast, in government agencies and professional services such as law, medicine, and architecture, there is a much smaller percentage of workers with alcohol problems.
Hangover headaches are caused by blood vessels expanding in the head from alcohol.
Ancient Egyptians sometimes received beer instead of wages for their work.
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