Alcohol Abuse Treatment - Alcohol Rehab Directory

Local Time in Clearlake Oaks is 12:30:05 PM

Clearlake Oaks, California Population:

Clearlake Oaks, California has a population of 2,402 as of 2000.

Population Breakdown in Clearlake Oaks, California:

Caucasian - 2,064
African American - 91
Hispanic - 144
Other - 103

Clearlake Oaks, CA. Education Information:

Clearlake Oaks had a total of 595 high school graduates in 2000.
Clearlake Oaks, CA. has a total of 184 college graduates with a bachelor's degree
or higher and 560 people with some college education. (Includes
Associates Degree)

Clearlake Oaks Family Info Breakdown:

Clearlake Oaks has a total of 90 single parents with children.
There are also 92 parents who are married with children in Clearlake Oaks, California.

Clearlake Oaks, California Housing Breakdown:

Clearlake Oaks has 890 houses that are owner occupied.
Clearlake Oaks has 304 houses that are renter-occupied.
Around 357 houses are vacant in Clearlake Oaks, California.
$102,900 is the average value of a house in Clearlake Oaks, CA.
$542 is the average cost to rent a house in Clearlake Oaks.

Clearlake Oaks, California Income Information:

The average income per family is $30,044 in Clearlake Oaks.

Zip codes in Clearlake Oaks

Area codes in Clearlake Oaks

Map of Clearlake Oaks, California :

CityClearlake Oaks
Person Seeking Treatment Age
Is Person Looking for Treatment?Yes No
More Information
Preferred Contact Method?Phone Email

Are There Alcohol Treatment and Alcohol Detox Facilities for Teens in Clearlake Oaks?

Yes, there are different types of Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers available in Clearlake Oaks for teens and adolescents. The decision to enroll your child into a Clearlake Oaks Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility is not one to be taken lightly. When alcohol abuse has become a central aspect of your teen’s life, time is essential. You must quickly educate yourself about the many different types of adolescent Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Detoxification Centers available in Clearlake Oaks. Parents and families must be informed and involved in their child's alcohol abuse recovery.

Adolescence is a time of transition when the body is undergoing many significant changes, such as hormonal alterations and brain development. It is also a time when your child may begin to associate with peers and new friends where they may feel pressure to ‘fit in’ or ‘go along with the crowd’ in order to be accepted socially. These new circumstances can be confusing and difficult for the youth in Clearlake Oaks to understand and deal with. Often their ability to make correct or safe decisions is also at a stage of immaturity. Exposing the brain to alcohol during this period may interrupt key processes of brain development, possibly leading to mild cognitive impairment as well as to a further escalation of drinking leading to alcohol abuse and addiction.

Many parents in Clearlake Oaks tend to justify teen alcohol abuse as a "stage" that their teen will grow out of, but this is often not the case. In fact, studies have shown that adolescents who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence at some time in their lives. For this reason, The earlier one seeks help from an Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center in Clearlake Oaks for their adolescents alcohol abuse problems, the better.

It is important to note that alcohol treatment for teens does not need to be voluntary to be effective. In fact, most teens having alcohol abuse problems don't realize their drinking has gotten out of control at all, despite having negative consequences with school, family, and behavior. When your child's ability to make safe and correct decisions is compromised, it is vital that as their parent, you step in to make the correct decision for your them so they may remain safe and receive the help they need from a Clearlake Oaks Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility.

Why would I Need Alcohol Detox in Clearlake Oaks?

When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit "cold turkey" they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms -- which can range from the mildly annoying to severe and even life-threatening. For this reason, an alcohol detox in Clearlake Oaks is often necessary.

An alcohol detox center in Clearlake Oaks would be the first step of recovery from alcohol abuse. Alcohol detox centers in Clearlake Oaks are designed to safely manage physical withdrawal symptoms while coming of alcohol as well as assist with psychological and emotional discomforts of coming off alcohol. Alcohol detox should be done under the care of a licensed medical facility in Clearlake Oaks. Attempting to detox from alcohol without proper professional help is extremely dangerous. It can result in serious physical, psychological, and emotional consequences which can include death.

It is important to note that Clearlake Oaks alcohol detox is only the initial step in the alcohol abuse recovery process. Alcohol detox programs only provide physical and emotional stabilization while going through alcohol withdrawal and therefore, alcohol detox in Clearlake Oaks should not be viewed as full rehabilitation. Clearlake Oaks Alcohol Treatment and Alcohol Detox Facilities will append efforts to maintain the gains made in alcohol detox, while working towards establishing a firm ground upon which future long-term recovery is to be built.

Research has shown that the vast majority of people in Clearlake Oaks that complete alcohol detox, but fail to continue treatment in a Clearlake Oaks residential Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility, end up in relapse. Alcohol detox is a vital component in the recovery process, but lasting recovery in Clearlake Oaks is generally achieved through a structured Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that addresses the root of the addiction and not just its physical effects.

Will Alcohol Abuse Treatment in Clearlake Oaks Help Me?

A Clearlake Oaks Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility is a vital step needed to recover from alcohol abuse. Not only do Alcohol Treatment and Alcohol Detox Facilities help the individual to stop alcohol use but effective Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Clearlake Oaks help to repair all aspects of life such as self esteem, values, responsibility, ethics and morals as well as improve functioning with family, workplace, and community. While attending a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center in Clearlake Oaks recovering alcohol addicts learn about alcohol recovery and relapse while sorting out and working through underlying issues, traumas and transgressions. Attending a Clearlake Oaks Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility helps the recovering alcohol abuser learn life skills, coping skills make lifestyle changes. In addition, they learn to identify warning signs of relapse and "triggers" in order to avoid relapse.

It is common for those having problems with alcohol abuse to have self-esteem issues and feel powerless over their addiction. Some Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Detoxification Centers in Clearlake Oaks focus on repairing self-esteem and self confidence. Individuals gain a sense of power and regain abilities to be in control of their life and the decisions they make. They are able to refuse unhealthy, addictive behaviors and easily make positive healthy decisions that promote a productive alcohol free lifestyle.

Keep in mind that Alcoholism Treatment and Alcohol Detoxification Centers in Clearlake Oaks differ in treatment methods, program lengths, staff qualifications, and credentials, therefore, no single Clearlake Oaks Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center is appropriate for all individuals. Every situation is different and treatment needs vary depending on the severity of the problem. Therefore, it is important to match alcohol abuse treatment services to fit each individual's particular problems and needs. Choosing the correct Alcoholism Treatment Program in Clearlake Oaks that will address each individual's needs will provide the greatest chances of success and return the individual to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and society. If you or someone you care about is caught in the trap of alcohol abuse, then an Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Facility in Clearlake Oaks may be necessary in salvaging their life.

Effort is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 1550 Juliesse Avenue Sacramento, CA 95815
Effort specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Women, Men, Hearing Impaired, and Spanish. Effort provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Effort accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Effort is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (916) 921-6598.

Pathways Midvalley Recovery Facilities
Pathways Midvalley Recovery Facilities is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 605 4th Street Marysville, CA 95901
Pathways Midvalley Recovery Facilities provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Day Treatment Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Pathways Midvalley Recovery Facilities accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Pathways Midvalley Recovery Facilities is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (530) 674-4530.

SAFE II is a Alcoholism Treatment Program located at 620 North Aurora Street Stockton, CA 95202
SAFE II specializes in Pregnant Women, Women, Criminal Justice Clients, Hearing Impaired, and Spanish. SAFE II provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. SAFE II accepts these payment options : Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. SAFE II is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (209) 468-2330.

Another Choice Another Chance
Another Choice Another Chance is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 2801 Aramon Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Another Choice Another Chance specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Criminal Justice Clients, Hearing Impaired, and Spanish. Another Choice Another Chance provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Another Choice Another Chance accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Another Choice Another Chance is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (916) 361-2089.

New Leaf Counseling Services
New Leaf Counseling Services is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 4673 Thornton Avenue Fremont, CA 94536
New Leaf Counseling Services provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. New Leaf Counseling Services accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, and Self Pay. New Leaf Counseling Services is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (323) 721-6855.

Alternatives for Better Living
Alternatives for Better Living is a Alcohol Program Alcoholism Center located at 701 School Street Napa, CA 94559
Alternatives for Better Living specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Women, Criminal Justice Clients, and Spanish. Alternatives for Better Living provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Alternatives for Better Living accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, and Self Pay. Alternatives for Better Living is a Alcohol Treatment Program that can be contacted at (707) 226-1248.

New Morning Youth and Family Services
New Morning Youth and Family Services is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 6765 Green Valley Road Placerville, CA 95667
New Morning Youth and Family Services specializes in Teens. New Morning Youth and Family Services provides these types of treament : Mental Health Treatment. New Morning Youth and Family Services accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. New Morning Youth and Family Services is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (530) 622-5551.

Fort Help Help Without Hassle
Fort Help Help Without Hassle is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center located at 915 Bryant Street San Francisco, CA 94103
Fort Help Help Without Hassle specializes in Pregnant Women, Spanish, and Foreign Languages other than Spanish. Fort Help Help Without Hassle provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Methadone Maintenance. Fort Help Help Without Hassle accepts these payment options : Self Pay. Fort Help Help Without Hassle is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (415) 777-9953.

East Bay Community Recovery Project
East Bay Community Recovery Project is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 2577 San Pablo Avenue Oakland, CA 94612
East Bay Community Recovery Project specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, AIDS and HIV, Gay / Lesbian, Pregnant Women, Women, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish, and Foreign Languages other than Spanish. East Bay Community Recovery Project provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. East Bay Community Recovery Project accepts these payment options : Medicare Insurance. East Bay Community Recovery Project is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center that can be contacted at (510) 446-7180.

Support Systems Homes Inc
Support Systems Homes Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Center located at 1315 Clarke Street San Leandro, CA 94577
Support Systems Homes Inc specializes in Criminal Justice Clients, Hearing Impaired, Spanish, and Foreign Languages other than Spanish. Support Systems Homes Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Day Treatment Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Support Systems Homes Inc accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Support Systems Homes Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (408) 370-9688.

Second Chance Inc
Second Chance Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Center located at 1403 164th Avenue San Leandro, CA 94578
Second Chance Inc specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, AIDS and HIV, Senior / Over 50, and Criminal Justice Clients. Second Chance Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Second Chance Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Second Chance Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program that can be contacted at (510) 481-8645.

Campobello Chemical Dependency
Campobello Chemical Dependency is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 3250 Guerneville Road Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Campobello Chemical Dependency provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Day Treatment Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Campobello Chemical Dependency accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Campobello Chemical Dependency is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (707) 579-4066.

Jelani Inc
Jelani Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Center located at 1638 and 1640 Kirkwood Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124
Jelani Inc specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, AIDS and HIV, Gay / Lesbian, Pregnant Women, Women, Residential Beds for Adolescents, Criminal Justice Clients, and Spanish. Jelani Inc provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Jelani Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. Jelani Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (415) 671-1165.

Golden Gate for Seniors
Golden Gate for Seniors is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 637 South Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94110
Golden Gate for Seniors specializes in Senior / Over 50, and Spanish. Golden Gate for Seniors provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Halfway Housing, Residential Long Term Treatment, and Hospital / Medical Inpatient. Golden Gate for Seniors accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Golden Gate for Seniors is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (415) 626-7553.

Kiononia Foster Homes Inc
Kiononia Foster Homes Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Center located at 6331 King Road Loomis, CA 95650
Kiononia Foster Homes Inc specializes in Teens, Criminal Justice Clients, and Spanish. Kiononia Foster Homes Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Kiononia Foster Homes Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Facility that can be contacted at (916) 652-0171.

San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH)
San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 3180 18th Street San Francisco, CA 94110
San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Gay / Lesbian, Women, and Men. San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, and Pay Assistance. San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) is a Alcohol Treatment Facility that can be contacted at (415) 502-5777.

Haight Ashbury Free Clinics Inc
Haight Ashbury Free Clinics Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 1443A-F Chinook Court San Francisco, CA 94130
Haight Ashbury Free Clinics Inc specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Women, Men, and Spanish. Haight Ashbury Free Clinics Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Haight Ashbury Free Clinics Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay. Haight Ashbury Free Clinics Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Facility that can be contacted at (415) 394-5247.

Stanislaus Cnty Behavioral Health and
Stanislaus Cnty Behavioral Health and is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 2101 Geer Road Turlock, CA 95382
Stanislaus Cnty Behavioral Health and specializes in DUI / DWI, Criminal Justice Clients, Hearing Impaired, Spanish, and Foreign Languages other than Spanish. Stanislaus Cnty Behavioral Health and provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Stanislaus Cnty Behavioral Health and accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Stanislaus Cnty Behavioral Health and is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (209) 664-8044.

Browns Residential Treatment Home
Browns Residential Treatment Home is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 3534 Mary Avenue Stockton, CA 95206
Browns Residential Treatment Home specializes in Men. Browns Residential Treatment Home provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Hospital / Medical Inpatient. Browns Residential Treatment Home accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Browns Residential Treatment Home is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (209) 982-1886.

Lee Woodward Counseling Center for
Lee Woodward Counseling Center for is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 2201 Sutter Street San Francisco, CA 94115
Lee Woodward Counseling Center for specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, AIDS and HIV, Pregnant Women, Women, and DUI / DWI. Lee Woodward Counseling Center for provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Lee Woodward Counseling Center for accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. Lee Woodward Counseling Center for is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (212) 920-6388x20.

Alcohol Treatment Centers by City in California Listed Alphabetically:

Nearby Cities

Clearlake is 5.18 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Lucerne is 7.99 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Lower Lake is 8.41 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Kelseyville is 9.37 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Nice is 12.14 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Cobb is 13.21 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Lakeport is 13.49 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
North Lakeport is 13.64 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Upper Lake is 15.70 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Hidden Valley Lake is 16.31 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Middletown is 18.79 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Cloverdale is 24.24 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Talmage is 27.64 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Williams is 29.32 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Healdsburg is 29.88 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Ukiah is 30.25 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Calistoga is 30.78 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Arbuckle is 32.72 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Angwin is 33.11 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Windsor is 33.68 Miles from Clearlake Oaks

Find Alcohol Rehab Centers in Major Cities Near Clearlake Oaks, California:

Napa is 53.41 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Petaluma is 53.65 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Vacaville is 59.49 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Davis is 59.64 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Fairfield is 62.34 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Chico is 66.65 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Vallejo is 67.00 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
San Rafael is 72.18 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Sacramento is 72.20 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Arden Arcade is 75.13 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Roseville is 76.48 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Richmond is 77.01 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Citrus Heights is 77.52 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Rancho Cordova is 79.77 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Elk Grove is 80.22 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Concord is 80.94 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Pittsburg is 81.23 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Berkeley is 82.27 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Walnut Creek is 83.85 Miles from Clearlake Oaks
Folsom is 84.81 Miles from Clearlake Oaks

Quick Drug Facts

Recent studies show that after six months, treatment for alcoholism is successful for 40 to 70% of participants.
Little known drinking and driving fact is that Alaska actually has the highest rate of fatal drinking and driving accidents. Theories for why this drinking and driving fact exists range from the extended cold season making people more prone to drinking, to the more realistic, consistent icy roads.
Evidence links a high proportion of deaths from falls, fires and burns and drownings to drinking.
The moderate consumption of alcohol does not destroy brain cells. In fact it is often associated with improved cognitive (mental) functioning.
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