| |
Warning Signs of Alcohol Abuse |
California Population, Income, Education, Employment, and Federal Funds
California Population |
Total |
Year |
1980 |
23,667,765 |
1990 |
29,760,021 |
2000 |
33,871,648 |
2009 (latest estimates) |
36,961,664 |
California Income
Total |
California Per-capita income (2008 dollars) |
2007 |
43,402 |
2008 |
43,852 |
Percent change |
-2.7 |
California Earnings per job (2008 dollars) |
2007 |
59,367 |
2008 |
57,204 |
Percent change |
-3.6 |
California Poverty rate (percent) |
1979 |
11.4 |
1989 |
12.5 |
1999 |
14.2 |
2008 (latest model-based estimates) |
13.3 |
California Education (Persons 25 and older)
Total |
California Percent not completing high school |
1980 |
26.5 |
1990 |
23.8 |
2000 |
23.2 |
California Percent completing high school only |
1980 |
31.4 |
1990 |
22.3 |
2000 |
20.1 |
California Percent completing some college |
1980 |
22.4 |
1990 |
30.5 |
2000 |
30.0 |
California Percent completing college |
1980 |
19.6 |
1990 |
23.4 |
2000 |
26.6 |
California Employment
Total |
California Total number of jobs |
2007 |
20,920,250 |
2008 |
21,063,338 |
Percent employment change |
2006-2007 |
1.0 |
2007-2008 |
-0.4 |
2008-2009 |
-4.6 |
California Unemployment rate (percent) |
2008 |
7.2 |
2009 |
11.4 |
California Federal Funds, FY 2008
Total |
Federal funding, dollars per person |
California All Federal funds |
7,921 |
Federal funding by purpose |
California Agriculture and natural resources |
45 |
California Community resources |
695 |
California Defense and space |
1,100 |
California Human resources |
181 |
California Income security |
4,770 |
California National functions |
1,131 |
Federal funding by type of payments |
California Grants |
1,935 |
California Direct loans |
73 |
California Guaranteed/insured loans |
501 |
California Retirement/disability payments |
2,063 |
California Other direct payments to individuals |
1,412 |
California Direct payments, not to individuals |
45 |
California Procurement contracts |
1,423 |
California Salaries and wages |
471 |
California Organic Agriculture
2008 |
Number of certified operations |
2,887 |
California Crops (acres) |
430,724 |
California Pasture & rangeland (acres) |
289,767 |
California Total acres |
720,491 |
California Farm Characteristics
California 2007 Census of Agriculture |
2007 |
California Approximate total land area (acres) |
99,689,515 |
California Total farmland (acres) |
25,364,695 |
Percent of total land area |
25.4 |
California Cropland (acres) |
9,464,647 |
Percent of total farmland |
37.3 |
Percent in pasture |
8.5 |
Percent irrigated |
76.9 |
Harvested Cropland (acres) |
7,633,173 |
California Woodland (acres) |
1,270,720 |
Percent of total farmland |
5.0 |
Percent in pasture |
61.6 |
California Pastureland (acres) |
13,275,042 |
Percent of total farmland |
52.3 |
California Land in house lots, ponds, roads, wasteland, etc. (acres) |
1,354,286 |
Percent of total farmland |
5.3 |
Conservation practices |
California Farmland in conservation or wetlands reserve programs (acres) |
254,013 |
California Average farm size (acres) |
313 |
Farms by size (percent) |
1 to 99 acres |
75.0 |
100 to 499 acres |
15.4 |
500 to 999 acres |
4.0 |
1000 to 1,999 acres |
2.7 |
2,000 or more acres |
2.8 |
Farms by sales (percent) |
Less than $9,999 |
46.6 |
$10,000 to $49,999 |
22.3 |
$50,000 to $99,999 |
7.7 |
$100,000 to $499,999 |
12.9 |
More than $500,000 |
10.6 |
Tenure of farmers |
California Full owner (farms) |
63,777 |
Percent of total |
78.7 |
California Part owner (farms) |
9,843 |
Percent of total |
12.1 |
California Tenant owner (farms) |
7,413 |
Percent of total |
9.1 |
Farm organization |
California Individuals/family, sole proprietorship (farms) |
64,001 |
Percent of total |
79.0 |
California Family-held corporations (farms) |
4,603 |
Percent of total |
5.7 |
California Partnerships (farms) |
9,552 |
Percent of total |
11.8 |
California Non-family corporations (farms) |
1,147 |
Percent of total |
1.4 |
California Others - cooperative, estate or trust, institutional, etc. (farms) |
1,730 |
Percent of total |
2.1 |
Characteristics of principal farm operators |
Average operator age (years) |
58.4 |
Percent with farming as their primary occupation |
50.5 |
Men |
66,068 |
Women |
14,965 |
California Farm Financial Indicators
California Farm income and value added data |
2008 |
California Number of farms |
81,500 |
Thousands $ |
Final crop output |
25,480,413 |
+ California Final animal output |
10,416,374 |
+ California Services and forestry |
3,194,037 |
= California Final agricultural sector output |
39,090,824 |
- California Intermediate consumption outlays |
21,890,724 |
+ California Net government transactions |
-504,773 |
= California Gross value added |
16,695,327 |
- California Capital consumption |
1,456,261 |
= California Net value added |
15,239,066 |
- California Factor payments |
7,283,593 |
California Employee compensation (total hired labor) |
5,500,512 |
California Net rent received by nonoperator landlords |
327,070 |
California Real estate and nonreal estate interest |
1,456,011 |
= California Net farm income |
7,955,473 |
California Top Commodities, Exports, and Counties
California Top 5 agriculture commodities, 2009
Value of receipts
thousand $ |
1. Dairy products |
4,537,171 |
2. Greenhouse/nursery |
3,792,295 |
3. Grapes |
3,267,848 |
4. Almonds |
2,293,500 |
5. Lettuce |
1,725,799 |
All commodities |
34,840,647 |
California Top 5 agriculture exports, estimates, FY 2009 |
Value million $ |
1. Tree nuts |
3,240.3 |
2. Fruits and preparations |
2,802.1 |
3. Other |
2,138.7 |
4. Vegetables and preparations |
1,994.1 |
5. Rice |
523.9 |
Overall rank |
12,502.3 |
CA. Top 5 counties in agricultural sales 2007 |
Thousands $ |
1. Fresno County |
3,730,546 |
2. Tulare County |
3,335,014 |
3. Kern County |
3,204,147 |
4. Merced County |
2,330,408 |
5. Monterey County |
2,178,470 |
State total |
33,885,064 |
State Offices
California Drug Policy, Enforcement and Government Agencies
Governor's Office
Office of the Governor
State Capitol, First Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-2841
State Legislative Contact
Assembly Office of Research
California Legislature
1020 N Street, #408
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-1638
State Drug Program Coordinator
Governor's Policy Council
111 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-1943
Attorney General's Office
California Attorney General's Office
Department of Justice
1515 K Street, Suite 511
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-5500
Law Enforcement Planning
Anti-Drug Abuse Branch
Office of Criminal Justice Planning
1130 K Street, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-9112
Crime Prevention Offices
California Department of Justice
Office of the Attorney General
Crime Prevention Center
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning
Crime Prevention Division
1700 K Street, Fifth Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814-4037
(916) 323-7722
California Crime Prevention Officers Association
100 Presidio
San Clemente, CA 92672
(714) 361-8213
Statistical Analysis Center
Office of Management Evaluation and Training
Law Enforcement Information Center
P.O. Box 903427
Sacramento, CA 94203-4270
(916) 227-3531
Uniform Crime Reports Contact
Uniform Crime Reports Program
Bureau of Criminal Statistics
Department of Justice
P.O. Box 903427
Sacramento, CA 94203
(916) 739-5166
BJA Strategy Preparation Agency
Office of Criminal Justice Planning
Anti-Drug Abuse Branch
1130 K Street, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-9140
Judicial Agency
Administrative Office of the Courts
Judicial Council
State Building
350 McAllister Street, Room 3154
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 557-3203
Corrections Agency
Department of Corrections
1515 S Street, P.O. Box 942883
Sacramento, CA 94283-0001
(916) 445-7688
RADAR Network Agency
Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
1700 K Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 327-8447
HIV-Prevention Program
Director of AIDS Programs
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services,
AIDS Programs
600 South Commonwealth Avenue, Sixth Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 351-8000
Drug and Alcohol Agency
Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
1700 K Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-0834
State Coordinator for Drug-Free Schools
California Department of Education
Healthy Kids, Healthy California
P.O. Box 944272
Sacramento, CA 94244-2720
(916) 657-2810
Alcohol abuse in California is often influenced by peer pressure is most common in people aged between 15 and 24 years. However, most of the influence of peers is due to inaccurate perceptions of the risks of alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse in California and nationwide is associated with disabilities and death, accidents, fights, driving offenses and unprotected sex. Alcohol is responsible in the world for 1.8 million deaths and results in disability in approximately 58.3 million people. Approximately 40 percent of the 58.3 million people disabled through alcohol abuse are disabled due to alcohol related neuropsychiatric disorders. Due to increased unsafe sex associated with alcohol, there is a doubling of the risk of HIV infection in alcohol abusers. Additionally alcohol abuse increases the risk of individuals either being the victim of sexual violence or being the perpetrator of sexual violence.
Alcohol abuse and dependence frequently go hand in hand with other mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder, and bipolar disorder. In many cases, the alcohol use is an attempt to self-medicate. When these problems co-occur, recovery depends on treating them both.
As you seek help through alcohol abuse treatment, it is also important to get care for any other medical or psychological issues you are experiencing. Your best chance of California alcohol abuse treatment recovery is through integrated treatment for both the alcohol abuse problem and the mental health problem. This means getting combined mental health and addiction treatment from the same alcohol abuse treatment provider or team.
Once enrolled in a California alcohol abuse treatment program, it is very likely you will go though alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol detox is intended to relieve physical symptoms of withdrawal such as:
Shaking or tremors
Loss of appetite
Delirium Tremens (DT’s)
Some alcohol detox professionals believe the withdrawal phase is related closely to one’s alcohol addiction - the worse the withdrawal, the more likely the continued use of the substance to prevent withdrawal. Numerous factors are key to a successful alcohol detox:
Acknowledge that there is a problem and decide to do something about it.
Get rid of all the alcohol, drugs and paraphernalia.
Drop friends and associates that are tied to your alcohol problem.
Seek and accept spousal support, or support from friends, or relatives.
Prepare for symptoms with the support of an alcohol detox and rehab professional.
If tranquilizer drugs are needed for a few days or longer, they must be handled sensitively, as one addiction can easily replace another.
Recovery from alcohol abuse requires that you repair relationships damaged through years of drinking and taking drugs. There may be feelings of shame and self-hatred. You may have to give up the "addict mentality" that is suspicious, secretive, manipulative, and self-centered. Making a recovery from alcoholism often means entering into alcohol rehab once one’s detox program has been completed.
Here are a few vital points about alcohol rehab and addiction recovery:
Remaining in a California alcohol rehab for an adequate period of time is critical for treatment effectiveness. The appropriate duration for an individual depends on his or her problems and needs. Research indicates that for most patients, the threshold of significant improvement is reached at about three months in alcohol rehab. After this threshold is reached, additional treatment can produce further progress toward recovery. Because people often leave rehab prematurely, programs should include strategies to engage and keep patients in treatment.
Counseling (individual and/or group) and other behavioral therapies are critical components of effective alcohol rehab. In therapy, patients address issues of motivation, build skills to resist alcohol and drug use, replace alcohol and drug using activities with constructive and rewarding nondrug-using activities, and improve problem-solving abilities. Behavioral therapy also facilitates interpersonal relationships and the individual's ability to function in the family and community.
Year |
Total vs. Alcohol Related Fatalities in California |
Tot |
Alc-Rel |
% |
0.08+ |
% |
1982 |
4615 |
2799 |
61 |
2484 |
54 |
1983 |
4573 |
2669 |
58 |
2345 |
51 |
1984 |
5020 |
2894 |
58 |
2522 |
50 |
1985 |
4960 |
2633 |
53 |
2262 |
46 |
1986 |
5253 |
2813 |
54 |
2370 |
45 |
1987 |
5504 |
2961 |
54 |
2459 |
45 |
1988 |
5392 |
2773 |
51 |
2354 |
44 |
1989 |
5412 |
2795 |
52 |
2421 |
45 |
1990 |
5192 |
2697 |
52 |
2305 |
44 |
1991 |
4688 |
2263 |
48 |
1946 |
42 |
1992 |
4192 |
2015 |
48 |
1687 |
40 |
1993 |
4164 |
1815 |
44 |
1534 |
37 |
1994 |
4232 |
1743 |
41 |
1468 |
35 |
1995 |
4192 |
1758 |
42 |
1445 |
34 |
1996 |
3989 |
1666 |
42 |
1368 |
34 |
1997 |
3688 |
1348 |
37 |
1113 |
30 |
1998 |
3494 |
1367 |
39 |
1133 |
32 |
1999 |
3559 |
1397 |
39 |
1163 |
33 |
2000 |
3753 |
1450 |
39 |
1199 |
32 |
2001 |
3956 |
1552 |
39 |
1255 |
32 |
2002 |
4088 |
1628 |
40 |
1326 |
32 |
2003 |
4215 |
1626 |
39 |
1378 |
33 |
2004 |
4120 |
1643 |
40 |
1367 |
33 |
2005 |
4329 |
1719 |
40 |
1466 |
34 |
2006 |
4229 |
1509 |
36 |
1276 |
30 |
California DUI Penalties
First DUI conviction in California: - Mandatory jail sentence of at least 96 hours
- Minimum $390 fine
- 6 months suspended license
Second DUI conviction in California within 10
years: - Mandatory jail sentence of at least 90 days
- Minimum $390 fine
- 2 years suspended license
Third DUI conviction in California within 10 years: - Mandatory jail sentence of at least 120 days
- $390- $1000 fine
- 3 years revoked license
- Drug/alcohol treatment program
California Alcohol Statistics Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatality Data 2008 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities: | 1,028 | Youth Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities: | 148 | Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities per 100,000 population | | Total All Ages: | 2.8 | Youth Under 21: | 1.3 | 1998-2008 Percent Change in Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities per 100,000 Population | | Total All Ages: | -0.8 | Youth Under 21: | -15.1 | Hardcore Drunk Drivers Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities Involving High BAC Drivers (.15+): | 68% | Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities Involving Repeat Offenders by BAC level | | BAC .08 - .14: | 31% | BAC .15+: | 69% | Youth Alcohol Consumption Data 2006-2007 (12-20 Year Olds) Consumed Alcohol in the Past Month: | 26.5% | Binge Drinking in the Past Month: | 17.2% | Arrest Data 2008 Driving Under the Influence | | Under 18: | 1,468 | Total All Ages: | 214,828 | Liquor Laws | | Under 18: | 5,181 | Total All Ages: | 19,649 | Drunkenness | | Under 18: | 4,638 | Total All Ages: | 112,398 |
California bill would stop alcohol purchase at selfcheckout
A bill to stop the purchase of alcohol at self-checkout lanes in California was pulled from the Senate last week.
More | | Alcohol Abuse Problems Cost California 38 Billion Annually
A California alcohol industry watchdog has announced that alcohol abuse problems cost the state $38.4 billion a year in deaths, injuries, health care costs, lost productivity and other social impacts,
More | |
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Alcohol Treatment Centers by City in California Listed Alphabetically: | | Quick Drug Facts |
At one time, it was believed that there were very few women with alcohol problems, but studies indicate that women's alcohol problems are simply less visible. They wait longer to seek treatment and often use mental health services or non-alcohol treatment programs instead of seeking specific help for drinking.
State legislatures have set a certain blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit, above which a person is legally intoxicated and should not drive a motor vehicle. Many states have adopted a new lower BAC of 0.08%, compared to the previous level of 0.1%. Research studies are available to suggest significant impairment even at 0.05%, which is the recommended level adopted the American Medical Association. People can reach the 0.08% limit by simply drinking 3-4 drinks within approximately an hour. This is quite variable, however, between genders and depending on food in the stomach, prior drinking history, and genetic make-up.
The age-adjusted death rate from alcohol-related diseases for non-Hispanic African Americans is 10% greater than for the general population.
A trokenbeerenauslese is a type of German wine made from vine-dried grapes so rare that it can take a skilled picker a day to gather enough for just one bottle.