Alcohol Abuse Treatment - Alcohol Rehab Directory

Local Time in West Mifflin is 8:15:17 PM

West Mifflin, Pennsylvania Population:

West Mifflin, Pennsylvania has a population of 22,464 as of 2000.

Population Breakdown in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania:

Caucasian - 20,058
African American - 1,986
Hispanic - 127
Other - 293

West Mifflin, PA. Education Information:

West Mifflin had a total of 6,585 high school graduates in 2000.
West Mifflin, PA. has a total of 2,353 college graduates with a bachelor's degree
or higher and 4,646 people with some college education. (Includes
Associates Degree)

West Mifflin Family Info Breakdown:

West Mifflin has a total of 809 single parents with children.
There are also 1,735 parents who are married with children in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania.

West Mifflin, Pennsylvania Housing Breakdown:

West Mifflin has 7,477 houses that are owner occupied.
West Mifflin has 2,032 houses that are renter-occupied.
Around 431 houses are vacant in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania.
$70,200 is the average value of a house in West Mifflin, PA.
$359 is the average cost to rent a house in West Mifflin.

West Mifflin, Pennsylvania Income Information:

The average income per family is $46,154 in West Mifflin.

Zip codes in West Mifflin
15122 15123

Area codes in West Mifflin

Map of West Mifflin, Pennsylvania :

CityWest Mifflin
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Is Person Looking for Treatment?Yes No
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Preferred Contact Method?Phone Email

How Long Should I Stay in an Alcoholism Treatment Center in West Mifflin?

There is no "magic number" as to how long is best when it comes to the length of alcohol abuse rehabilitation. There are many factors to think about when considering how long your Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in West Mifflin should be. These factors include the length of alcohol abuse history, your history of prior alcohol treatment, your budget for rehab, and how many if any relapses you may have had, and the severity of underlying issues or trauma's in your life. There is no way to determine exactly how long it will take you to fully recover from alcohol abuse. A good way of looking at the duration of alcohol treatment is that recovery from alcohol takes as long as it takes. This of course varies wildly from person to person in West Mifflin.

Scientific research and statistics have determined that longer term residential Alcohol Rehab Facilities consisting of 90 days or longer provide the greatest potential for success. Many in-patient Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Detox Facilities in West Mifflin are typically 28 or 30 days in length. Most 28 or 30 day Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detox Centers in West Mifflin were originally designed to conform with insurance companies because many insurance carriers only cover a maximum of 28 to 30 days of substance abuse treatment. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict with certainty that exactly "28 days" is the correct amount of time to recover from drug or alcohol addiction. In fact, in most cases this is not enough time for a successful lasting recovery.

When trying to determine the correct length of stay at an Alcohol Treatment Center in West Mifflin, It is always best to seek help from an addiction professional who can assess the overall situation and be able to suggest the correct treatment type and length based on their knowledge and experience. Let's face it, alcohol abuse and addiction, to a vast majority of people is largely misunderstood and as a result, people often make improper choices as to which type of Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility in West Mifflin they should consider, therefore they often receive inadequate treatment.

What is Alcohol Abuse Treatment about in West Mifflin?

For many, it is difficult to imagine a life without alcohol. Alcohol abuse treatment is about breaking free of the depression and oppression of alcohol abuse.

Attending an Alcoholism Treatment Center in West Mifflin is about coming together with other people suffering problems with alcohol in an environment that is conducive to overcoming the tragedies of alcohol abuse, healing, and starting the journey to recovery. This can be done a number of ways and every Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in West Mifflin is likely to have its own unique atmosphere and doctrine for successful transition to sobriety. Some Alcohol Rehab Facilities in West Mifflin embrace the community model in which residents are actively engaged with one another to do various activities, and experience change together. Others may focus solely on individual counseling and interaction. Either way, all Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Detox Facilities in West Mifflin are designed to address the treatment and recovery needs specific to alcohol abuse and often include a group social support setting, counseling and/or behavior therapy.

Quality Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detox Centers in West Mifflin will treat all patients or residents with dignity, respect, and kindness. This should be evident from the very first contact you have with the West Mifflin Alcohol Treatment Center whether by phone or via email. Many Alcoholism Treatment and Alcohol Detoxification Centers in West Mifflin will offer varied treatment programs to meet individual needs and addiction levels. These programs range from short-term to long-term residential, outpatient alcohol rehab, counseling and behavior therapy, to inpatient hospitalization for the most severe cases of alcohol abuse. Choosing the right Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility in West Mifflin will generally come down to the severity of addiction, patient finances or insurance coverage, location of the Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center, and ultimately the alcohol abusers willingness to engage with treatment.

A comprehensive Alcohol Rehab Program in West Mifflin will address both the physical and psychological components of alcohol abuse, thus providing a whole body approach to treatment that helps men and women achieve and maintain sobriety for years. It is important to ask about the treatment philosophy of the Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Center in West Mifflin are considering. By choosing the right Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center in West Mifflin that will address all your specific alcohol abuse treatment needs, you will greatly improve your chances of success.

How Much Do Alcohol Treatment Programs Cost in West Mifflin?

The cost of an Alcoholism Treatment Center in West Mifflin can vary tremendously depending on many factors, such as the type of Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility, the length of stay, the quality and credentials of the staff, and what services are included. All these factors make the question, "How much does alcohol rehab cost?" extremely difficult to answer with simplicity. If you are seeking the best value for your treatment dollar, remember: price can be meaningful only in the context of quality and performance.

The cost of rehabilitation for alcohol abuse can be expensive. Full-time, inpatient, or residential Alcohol Rehab Facilities in West Mifflin can cost from $400 to $1200 per day in some cases. The average cost for a residential Alcohol Treatment Center is about $7,000 per month. Additionally, there are Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Detox Facilities in West Mifflin that are free (paid for by our taxes) however the quality of treatment is very low and success rates can suffer tremendously. Outpatient care is typically less expensive. Insurance may cover some or all of the cost of an Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility in West Mifflin so it is important to check with you insurance provider to find out what they may cover in your case.

Also remember that the cost of alcohol addiction and alcoholism can far exceed the cost of a West Mifflin Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center. An Alcohol Rehab Program in West Mifflin is a bargain compared to the cost of the consequences of alcohol addiction such as failed jobs, failed relationships, legal issues, lying, stealing, health complications, jail, and ultimately death!

When looking for an Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Center in West Mifflin, it is not recommended that you base your decision on price alone. Rather, it is more important to focus on the effectiveness of the West Mifflin Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center. After all, if you're going to pay some amount of money, it is imperative that it present the best possibility for success, otherwise all is wasted and you'll have to do it all over again soon.

Gateway Pleasant Hills - MAP
Gateway Pleasant Hills is a Alcoholism Treatment Center located at 500 Lewis Run Road West Mifflin, PA 15122
Gateway Pleasant Hills specializes in Teens, AIDS and HIV, Men, and Hearing Impaired. Gateway Pleasant Hills provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Halfway Housing, and Day Treatment Services. Gateway Pleasant Hills accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Gateway Pleasant Hills is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (412) 466-7734.

Drug and Alcohol Services of
Drug and Alcohol Services of is a Alcohol Treatment Center located at 697 State Street Beaver, PA 15009
Drug and Alcohol Services of specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, AIDS and HIV, Gay / Lesbian, Senior / Over 50, Pregnant Women, Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Criminal Justice Clients. Drug and Alcohol Services of provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Drug and Alcohol Services of accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Drug and Alcohol Services of is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (724) 728-8220.

GECAC is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 259 Main Street East Girard, PA 16417
GECAC specializes in Teens, Pregnant Women, Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Criminal Justice Clients. GECAC provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. GECAC accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. GECAC is a Alcohol Rehab Program that can be contacted at (814) 774-2088.

Gateway Rehabilitation Center
Gateway Rehabilitation Center is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Center located at 507 Merchant Street Ambridge, PA 15003
Gateway Rehabilitation Center specializes in Teens, AIDS and HIV, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients, and Hearing Impaired. Gateway Rehabilitation Center provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Day Treatment Services. Gateway Rehabilitation Center accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Gateway Rehabilitation Center is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (724) 251-9104.

Aldie Counseling Center
Aldie Counseling Center is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 228 North Main Street Doylestown, PA 18901
Aldie Counseling Center specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Pregnant Women, Women, and Hearing Impaired. Aldie Counseling Center provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Methadone Maintenance. Aldie Counseling Center accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Aldie Counseling Center is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (215) 345-8530.

Stevens Center
Stevens Center is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center located at 33 State Avenue Carlisle, PA 17013
Stevens Center specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse. Stevens Center provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and Day Treatment Services. Stevens Center accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. Stevens Center is a Alcohol Treatment Facility that can be contacted at (717) 243-6033.

Addison Behavioral Care Inc
Addison Behavioral Care Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 5937 Broad Street Mall Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Addison Behavioral Care Inc specializes in Teens. Addison Behavioral Care Inc provides these types of treament : Mental Health Treatment. Addison Behavioral Care Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, and Pay Assistance. Addison Behavioral Care Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (412) 661-6636.

Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc
Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 201 East 18th Avenue Homestead, PA 15120
Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (412) 461-4100.

Mainstream Counseling
Mainstream Counseling is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility located at 900 Washington Street Huntingdon, PA 16652
Mainstream Counseling specializes in DUI / DWI. Mainstream Counseling provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Mainstream Counseling accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Mainstream Counseling is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center that can be contacted at (814) 643-1114.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Inc
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 120 Chestnut Street Port Allegany, PA 16743
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (814) 642-9541.

GECAC is a Alcohol Rehab Center located at Edinboro University Edinboro, PA 16412
GECAC specializes in Teens, Pregnant Women, Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Criminal Justice Clients. GECAC provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. GECAC accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. GECAC is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (814) 734-1218.

Greenbriar Treatment Center
Greenbriar Treatment Center is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 4955 Steubenville Pike Pittsburgh, PA 15205
Greenbriar Treatment Center provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Day Treatment Services. Greenbriar Treatment Center accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Greenbriar Treatment Center is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (412) 788-6292.

Turning Point Chemical Dependency
Turning Point Chemical Dependency is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 4849 U.S. 322 Franklin, PA 16323
Turning Point Chemical Dependency specializes in Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Hearing Impaired. Turning Point Chemical Dependency provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Day Treatment Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Turning Point Chemical Dependency accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Turning Point Chemical Dependency is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (814) 437-1750.

Alliance Medical Services Inc
Alliance Medical Services Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 1419 Scalp Avenue Johnstown, PA 15904
Alliance Medical Services Inc specializes in Pregnant Women. Alliance Medical Services Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Methadone Maintenance. Alliance Medical Services Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay. Alliance Medical Services Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (814) 269-4700.

Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc
Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detox Center located at 519 Penn Avenue Turtle Creek, PA 15145
Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Turtle Creek Valley MH MR Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (412) 824-9300x692.

Discovery House PA
Discovery House PA is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 1391 Washington Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Discovery House PA specializes in Pregnant Women, Women, and Men. Discovery House PA provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Methadone Maintenance. Discovery House PA accepts these payment options : Medicare Insurance, and Self Pay. Discovery House PA is a Alcoholism Treatment Facility that can be contacted at (412) 661-9222.

Deerfield Dual Diagnosis
Deerfield Dual Diagnosis is a Alcohol Program Alcoholism Center located at 2610 German Street Erie, PA 16504
Deerfield Dual Diagnosis specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, AIDS and HIV, Women, and Men. Deerfield Dual Diagnosis provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and Residential Short Term Treatment. Deerfield Dual Diagnosis accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Deerfield Dual Diagnosis is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (814) 878-2103.

Deerfield Centers for Addictions Trt
Deerfield Centers for Addictions Trt is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 613 Elm Street Tionesta, PA 16353
Deerfield Centers for Addictions Trt specializes in DUI / DWI. Deerfield Centers for Addictions Trt provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Deerfield Centers for Addictions Trt accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Deerfield Centers for Addictions Trt is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (814) 755-7995.

Tink and Pegs Place
Tink and Pegs Place is a Alcohol Treatment Program located at RD 1 Canton, PA 17724
Tink and Pegs Place specializes in Teens. Tink and Pegs Place provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Halfway Housing, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Tink and Pegs Place accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Tink and Pegs Place is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (570) 364-5378.

Discovery House NPA
Discovery House NPA is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 1868 East State Street Hermitage, PA 16148
Discovery House NPA specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, AIDS and HIV, Pregnant Women, Women, and Men. Discovery House NPA provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Methadone Maintenance. Discovery House NPA accepts these payment options : Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Discovery House NPA is a Alcohol Rehab Facility that can be contacted at (724) 981-9815.

Alcohol Treatment Centers by City in Pennsylvania Listed Alphabetically:

Nearby Cities

Dravosburg is 1.31 Miles from West Mifflin
Munhall is 1.61 Miles from West Mifflin
West Homestead is 2.04 Miles from West Mifflin
Whitaker is 2.24 Miles from West Mifflin
Duquesne is 2.46 Miles from West Mifflin
Port Vue is 2.48 Miles from West Mifflin
Homestead is 2.61 Miles from West Mifflin
Glassport is 2.88 Miles from West Mifflin
Braddock is 2.89 Miles from West Mifflin
McKeesport is 3.06 Miles from West Mifflin
Rankin is 3.13 Miles from West Mifflin
North Braddock is 3.35 Miles from West Mifflin
Liberty is 3.62 Miles from West Mifflin
East Pittsburgh is 3.64 Miles from West Mifflin
Swissvale is 3.79 Miles from West Mifflin
Baldwin is 3.85 Miles from West Mifflin
Braddock Hills is 3.97 Miles from West Mifflin
Pleasant Hills is 4.13 Miles from West Mifflin
Brentwood is 4.16 Miles from West Mifflin
Chalfant is 4.26 Miles from West Mifflin

Find Alcohol Rehab Centers in Major Cities Near West Mifflin, Pennsylvania:

Youngstown is 63.87 Miles from West Mifflin
Canton is 83.22 Miles from West Mifflin
Akron is 97.83 Miles from West Mifflin
Mentor is 118.42 Miles from West Mifflin
Parma is 118.95 Miles from West Mifflin
Euclid is 119.77 Miles from West Mifflin
Cleveland is 120.34 Miles from West Mifflin
Erie is 121.02 Miles from West Mifflin
Lakewood is 125.60 Miles from West Mifflin
Elyria is 134.47 Miles from West Mifflin
Lorain is 140.11 Miles from West Mifflin
Frederick is 146.54 Miles from West Mifflin
Germantown is 162.32 Miles from West Mifflin
Columbus is 165.38 Miles from West Mifflin
Gaithersburg is 165.60 Miles from West Mifflin
Reston is 167.17 Miles from West Mifflin
Charleston is 167.46 Miles from West Mifflin
Aspen Hill is 173.84 Miles from West Mifflin
Wheaton Glenmont is 176.08 Miles from West Mifflin
Bethesda is 176.22 Miles from West Mifflin

Quick Drug Facts

The strongest that any alcohol beverage can be is 190% proof (or 95% alcohol). At higher proof, the beverage draws moisture from the air and self-dilutes.
Legal limits are measured using either a blood alcohol test or a breathalyzer.
National Prohibition led to a boom in the cruise industry. By taking what were advertised as "cruises to nowhere," people could legally consume alcohol as soon as the ship entered international waters where they would typically cruise in circles. The cruises quickly became known as "booze cruises."
Egyptian writings more than four thousand years old include a father's warning to his student son about the danger of drinking too much beer.
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