Alcohol Abuse Treatment - Alcohol Rehab Directory

Local Time in Chickasha is 6:26:41 PM

Chickasha, Oklahoma Population:

Chickasha, Oklahoma has a population of 15,850 as of 2000.

Population Breakdown in Chickasha, Oklahoma:

Caucasian - 12,640
African American - 1,329
Hispanic - 596
Other - 1,285

Chickasha, OK. Education Information:

Chickasha had a total of 3,768 high school graduates in 2000.
Chickasha, OK. has a total of 1,766 college graduates with a bachelor's degree
or higher and 2,301 people with some college education. (Includes
Associates Degree)

Chickasha Family Info Breakdown:

Chickasha has a total of 669 single parents with children.
There are also 1,234 parents who are married with children in Chickasha, Oklahoma.

Chickasha, Oklahoma Housing Breakdown:

Chickasha has 3,986 houses that are owner occupied.
Chickasha has 2,448 houses that are renter-occupied.
Around 966 houses are vacant in Chickasha, Oklahoma.
$50,000 is the average value of a house in Chickasha, OK.
$393 is the average cost to rent a house in Chickasha.

Chickasha, Oklahoma Income Information:

The average income per family is $33,664 in Chickasha.

Zip codes in Chickasha
73018 73023

Area codes in Chickasha

Map of Chickasha, Oklahoma :

Person Seeking Treatment Age
Is Person Looking for Treatment?Yes No
More Information
Preferred Contact Method?Phone Email

Why would I Need Alcohol Detox in Chickasha?

When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit "cold turkey" they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms -- which can range from the mildly annoying to severe and even life-threatening. For this reason, an alcohol detox in Chickasha is often necessary.

An alcohol detox center in Chickasha would be the first step of recovery from alcohol abuse. Alcohol detox centers in Chickasha are designed to safely manage physical withdrawal symptoms while coming of alcohol as well as assist with psychological and emotional discomforts of coming off alcohol. Alcohol detox should be done under the care of a licensed medical facility in Chickasha. Attempting to detox from alcohol without proper professional help is extremely dangerous. It can result in serious physical, psychological, and emotional consequences which can include death.

It is important to note that Chickasha alcohol detox is only the initial step in the alcohol abuse recovery process. Alcohol detox programs only provide physical and emotional stabilization while going through alcohol withdrawal and therefore, alcohol detox in Chickasha should not be viewed as full rehabilitation. Chickasha Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers will append efforts to maintain the gains made in alcohol detox, while working towards establishing a firm ground upon which future long-term recovery is to be built.

Research has shown that the vast majority of people in Chickasha that complete alcohol detox, but fail to continue treatment in a Chickasha residential Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center, end up in relapse. Alcohol detox is a vital component in the recovery process, but lasting recovery in Chickasha is generally achieved through a structured Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center that addresses the root of the addiction and not just its physical effects.

How Much Do Alcohol Treatment Programs Cost in Chickasha?

The cost of an Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center in Chickasha can vary tremendously depending on many factors, such as the type of Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center, the length of stay, the quality and credentials of the staff, and what services are included. All these factors make the question, "How much does alcohol rehab cost?" extremely difficult to answer with simplicity. If you are seeking the best value for your treatment dollar, remember: price can be meaningful only in the context of quality and performance.

The cost of rehabilitation for alcohol abuse can be expensive. Full-time, inpatient, or residential Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Chickasha can cost from $400 to $1200 per day in some cases. The average cost for a residential Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility is about $7,000 per month. Additionally, there are Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detoxification Centers in Chickasha that are free (paid for by our taxes) however the quality of treatment is very low and success rates can suffer tremendously. Outpatient care is typically less expensive. Insurance may cover some or all of the cost of an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Chickasha so it is important to check with you insurance provider to find out what they may cover in your case.

Also remember that the cost of alcohol addiction and alcoholism can far exceed the cost of a Chickasha Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center. An Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center in Chickasha is a bargain compared to the cost of the consequences of alcohol addiction such as failed jobs, failed relationships, legal issues, lying, stealing, health complications, jail, and ultimately death!

When looking for an Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Chickasha, it is not recommended that you base your decision on price alone. Rather, it is more important to focus on the effectiveness of the Chickasha Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility. After all, if you're going to pay some amount of money, it is imperative that it present the best possibility for success, otherwise all is wasted and you'll have to do it all over again soon.

How Long Should I Stay in an Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center in Chickasha?

There is no "magic number" as to how long is best when it comes to the length of alcohol abuse rehabilitation. There are many factors to think about when considering how long your Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center in Chickasha should be. These factors include the length of alcohol abuse history, your history of prior alcohol treatment, your budget for rehab, and how many if any relapses you may have had, and the severity of underlying issues or trauma's in your life. There is no way to determine exactly how long it will take you to fully recover from alcohol abuse. A good way of looking at the duration of alcohol treatment is that recovery from alcohol takes as long as it takes. This of course varies wildly from person to person in Chickasha.

Scientific research and statistics have determined that longer term residential Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers consisting of 90 days or longer provide the greatest potential for success. Many in-patient Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detoxification Centers in Chickasha are typically 28 or 30 days in length. Most 28 or 30 day Alcohol Rehabilitation Facilities in Chickasha were originally designed to conform with insurance companies because many insurance carriers only cover a maximum of 28 to 30 days of substance abuse treatment. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict with certainty that exactly "28 days" is the correct amount of time to recover from drug or alcohol addiction. In fact, in most cases this is not enough time for a successful lasting recovery.

When trying to determine the correct length of stay at an Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility in Chickasha, It is always best to seek help from an addiction professional who can assess the overall situation and be able to suggest the correct treatment type and length based on their knowledge and experience. Let's face it, alcohol abuse and addiction, to a vast majority of people is largely misunderstood and as a result, people often make improper choices as to which type of Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Chickasha they should consider, therefore they often receive inadequate treatment.

Southwest Youth and Family Servs Inc - MAP
Southwest Youth and Family Servs Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 198 East Almar Drive Chickasha, OK 73023
Southwest Youth and Family Servs Inc specializes in Teens, Women, and Men. Southwest Youth and Family Servs Inc provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Southwest Youth and Family Servs Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Southwest Youth and Family Servs Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (405) 222-5437.

Opportunities Inc
Opportunities Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 120 West 1st Street Watonga, OK 73772
Opportunities Inc specializes in Pregnant Women, Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Hearing Impaired. Opportunities Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Halfway Housing, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Opportunities Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay. Opportunities Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (580) 623-2545.

Youth and Family Services of
Youth and Family Services of is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 2925 North Midway Street Enid, OK 73701
Youth and Family Services of specializes in Teens, Criminal Justice Clients, Hearing Impaired, and Spanish. Youth and Family Services of provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Youth and Family Services of accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Youth and Family Services of is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (580) 233-7220.

Eagle Ridge Institute
Eagle Ridge Institute is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 601 NE 63rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Eagle Ridge Institute specializes in Pregnant Women, and Women. Eagle Ridge Institute provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and Day Treatment Services. Eagle Ridge Institute accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Eagle Ridge Institute is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (405) 840-1359x143.

Resonance is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 1608 South Elwood Street Tulsa, OK 74119
Resonance specializes in Women, and Criminal Justice Clients. Resonance provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Resonance accepts these payment options : Self Pay. Resonance is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (918) 587-3888.

Drug Recovery Inc
Drug Recovery Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Center located at 415 NW 8th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Drug Recovery Inc specializes in AIDS and HIV, Gay / Lesbian, Senior / Over 50, Pregnant Women, Women, Men, and Criminal Justice Clients. Drug Recovery Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Halfway Housing, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Drug Recovery Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. Drug Recovery Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (405) 232-7215.

Morning Star
Morning Star is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at Route 1 Marietta, OK 73448
Morning Star specializes in Teens, and Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse. Morning Star provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Morning Star accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Morning Star is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (580) 276-5443.

Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Veterans Affairs Medical Center is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 921 NE 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Veterans Affairs Medical Center specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Senior / Over 50, Pregnant Women, Women, Hearing Impaired, American Indian / Alaskan Native Languages, Spanish, and Foreign Languages other than Spanish. Veterans Affairs Medical Center provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Methadone Maintenance, Halfway Housing, and Hospital / Medical Inpatient. Veterans Affairs Medical Center accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. Veterans Affairs Medical Center is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (405) 270-0501x3642.

Recovery Plus Family Counseling Center
Recovery Plus Family Counseling Center is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 817 South Elm Place Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Recovery Plus Family Counseling Center specializes in Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Criminal Justice Clients. Recovery Plus Family Counseling Center provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Recovery Plus Family Counseling Center accepts these payment options : Self Pay, and Sliding Scale Fees. Recovery Plus Family Counseling Center is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (918) 258-6900.

NAIC Center for Oklahoma
NAIC Center for Oklahoma is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center located at 215 West Linn Street Norman, OK 73070
NAIC Center for Oklahoma specializes in Teens, Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Criminal Justice Clients. NAIC Center for Oklahoma provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. NAIC Center for Oklahoma accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. NAIC Center for Oklahoma is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (405) 321-0022.

Tulsa Women and Childrens Center
Tulsa Women and Childrens Center is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 2442 Mohawk Boulevard Tulsa, OK 74112
Tulsa Women and Childrens Center specializes in Women, Hearing Impaired, and Spanish. Tulsa Women and Childrens Center provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Day Treatment Services, Residential Long Term Treatment, and Hospital / Medical Inpatient. Tulsa Women and Childrens Center accepts these payment options : Pay Assistance. Tulsa Women and Childrens Center is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (918) 430-0975.

12 and 12 Inc
12 and 12 Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 6333 East Skelley Drive Tulsa, OK 74135
12 and 12 Inc specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Pregnant Women, Men, DUI / DWI, Criminal Justice Clients, and Hearing Impaired. 12 and 12 Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Halfway Housing, Day Treatment Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. 12 and 12 Inc accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. 12 and 12 Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Program that can be contacted at (918) 664-4224.

Lighthouse Substance Abuse Services of
Lighthouse Substance Abuse Services of is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 5050 Williams Avenue Woodward, OK 73801
Lighthouse Substance Abuse Services of specializes in AIDS and HIV, Gay / Lesbian, Senior / Over 50, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients, and Spanish. Lighthouse Substance Abuse Services of provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Residential Short Term Treatment. Lighthouse Substance Abuse Services of accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Lighthouse Substance Abuse Services of is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (580) 256-9700.

Eagle Ridge Family Treatment Center
Eagle Ridge Family Treatment Center is a Alcohol Treatment Facility located at 1916 East Perkins Street Guthrie, OK 73044
Eagle Ridge Family Treatment Center specializes in Pregnant Women, Women, and Residential Beds for Adolescents. Eagle Ridge Family Treatment Center provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Halfway Housing, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Eagle Ridge Family Treatment Center accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Eagle Ridge Family Treatment Center is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (405) 282-8232.

Native American Center of Recovery Inc
Native American Center of Recovery Inc is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 420 North Kickapoo Street Shawnee, OK 74802
Native American Center of Recovery Inc specializes in AIDS and HIV, Pregnant Women, Women, Men, and DUI / DWI. Native American Center of Recovery Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Native American Center of Recovery Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. Native American Center of Recovery Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (405) 275-5270.

Gateway to Prevention and Recovery
Gateway to Prevention and Recovery is a Alcohol Rehab Program located at 119 South 1st Street Okemah, OK 74859
Gateway to Prevention and Recovery provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Gateway to Prevention and Recovery accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. Gateway to Prevention and Recovery is a Alcohol Program Alcoholism Center that can be contacted at (405) 273-1170.

North Care Center
North Care Center is a Alcoholism Treatment Facility located at 6300 North Classen Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73118
North Care Center specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Senior / Over 50, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients, Hearing Impaired, and Spanish. North Care Center provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. North Care Center accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, and Pay Assistance. North Care Center is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (405) 858-2700.

Roadback Inc Miller Manor
Roadback Inc Miller Manor is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility located at 708 West Gore Boulevard Lawton, OK 73501
Roadback Inc Miller Manor specializes in Gay / Lesbian, and Men. Roadback Inc Miller Manor provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Halfway Housing, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Roadback Inc Miller Manor accepts these payment options : Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Roadback Inc Miller Manor is a Alcohol Rehab Center that can be contacted at (580) 353-9306.

Open Options Inc
Open Options Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 1715 North Broadway Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73103
Open Options Inc specializes in Teens, DUI / DWI, and Criminal Justice Clients. Open Options Inc provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Open Options Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Open Options Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Center that can be contacted at (405) 557-1655.

Otoe Missouria Tribe
Otoe Missouria Tribe is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 8151 North Highway 177 Red Rock, OK 74651
Otoe Missouria Tribe specializes in Teens. Otoe Missouria Tribe provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Otoe Missouria Tribe is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (580) 723-4466.

Local Treatment Facilities and Counseling Centers in Chickasha, Oklahoma Specializing in Alcohol Abuse and Rehabilitation.

Oklahoma State - Plaza N Shopping Cntr- VR Office No 81- Vocational Rehabilitation Serv - MAP
Oklahoma State - Plaza N Shopping Cntr- VR Office No 81- Vocational Rehabilitation Serv is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 1000 West Choctaw Avenue Suite 2 Chickasha, OK 73018.
Oklahoma State - Plaza N Shopping Cntr- VR Office No 81- Vocational Rehabilitation Serv is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center that can be reached at (405)224-0709.

Alcohol Treatment Centers by City in Oklahoma Listed Alphabetically:

Nearby Cities

Norge is 4.46 Miles from Chickasha
Ninnekah is 5.67 Miles from Chickasha
Verden is 8.66 Miles from Chickasha
Amber is 9.20 Miles from Chickasha
Pocasset is 10.75 Miles from Chickasha
Alex is 12.69 Miles from Chickasha
Cement is 12.96 Miles from Chickasha
Anadarko is 17.10 Miles from Chickasha
Dibble is 17.32 Miles from Chickasha
Cyril is 17.48 Miles from Chickasha
Bradley is 17.49 Miles from Chickasha
Rush Springs is 17.73 Miles from Chickasha
Blanchard is 18.36 Miles from Chickasha
Minco is 19.15 Miles from Chickasha
Tuttle is 19.90 Miles from Chickasha
Gracemont is 20.46 Miles from Chickasha
Cole is 21.60 Miles from Chickasha
Fletcher is 22.39 Miles from Chickasha
Sterling is 23.64 Miles from Chickasha
Lindsay is 23.68 Miles from Chickasha

Find Alcohol Rehab Centers in Major Cities Near Chickasha, Oklahoma:

Oklahoma City is 38.45 Miles from Chickasha
Lawton is 39.93 Miles from Chickasha
Midwest City is 43.15 Miles from Chickasha
Edmond is 50.62 Miles from Chickasha
Wichita Falls is 85.26 Miles from Chickasha
Denton is 134.28 Miles from Chickasha
Tulsa is 135.79 Miles from Chickasha
Broken Arrow is 139.76 Miles from Chickasha
Flower Mound is 147.26 Miles from Chickasha
McKinney is 147.53 Miles from Chickasha
Lewisville is 148.29 Miles from Chickasha
Plano is 153.57 Miles from Chickasha
Carrollton is 153.82 Miles from Chickasha
North Richland Hills is 156.47 Miles from Chickasha
Richardson is 159.60 Miles from Chickasha
Irving is 161.47 Miles from Chickasha
Fort Worth is 162.71 Miles from Chickasha
Garland is 165.28 Miles from Chickasha
Arlington is 167.99 Miles from Chickasha
Dallas is 168.35 Miles from Chickasha

Quick Drug Facts

In US, Nationally, each year, about 748,000 people suffer injuries in alcohol-related traffic crashes, an average of one person injured every minute. About 40,000 of these are severely affected.
While 97% of all youth saw an average of 113 alcohol ads in magazines, 99% of African-American youth saw an average of 150 alcohol ads in national magazines in 2004.
In English pubs drinks are served in pints and quarts. In old England, bartenders would advise unruly customers to mind their own pints and quarts. It's the origin of "mind your P's and Q's."
What are the differences among alcoholic beverages? Beer, wine, and spirits contain different quantities of ethanol by weight or volume. Beer contains roughly 4-6% ethanol; wine, 10-13%; and spirits, 20-50%, with the majority being around 40% (80 proof). Some beverages are "lite" (beers and wines containing lower concentrations of ethanol), while some are "light" (in color) - white wine, vodka, gin, tequila. There is some evidence that these produce less hangover than darker beverages - red wine, bourbon, scotch. There is no evidence that people become addicted to spirits more readily than to beer or wine. Spirits, however, are more likely to produce death in overdose situations.
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