Alcohol Abuse Treatment - Alcohol Rehab Directory

Local Time in Wishek is 6:02:50 PM

Wishek, North Dakota Population:

Wishek, North Dakota has a population of 1,122 as of 2000.

Population Breakdown in Wishek, North Dakota:

Caucasian - 1,093
African American - 0
Hispanic - 17
Other - 12

Wishek, ND. Education Information:

Wishek had a total of 176 high school graduates in 2000.
Wishek, ND. has a total of 91 college graduates with a bachelor's degree
or higher and 181 people with some college education. (Includes
Associates Degree)

Wishek Family Info Breakdown:

Wishek has a total of 17 single parents with children.
There are also 96 parents who are married with children in Wishek, North Dakota.

Wishek, North Dakota Housing Breakdown:

Wishek has 366 houses that are owner occupied.
Wishek has 100 houses that are renter-occupied.
Around 53 houses are vacant in Wishek, North Dakota.
$39,200 is the average value of a house in Wishek, ND.
$303 is the average cost to rent a house in Wishek.

Wishek, North Dakota Income Information:

The average income per family is $36,696 in Wishek.

Zip codes in Wishek

Area codes in Wishek

Map of Wishek, North Dakota :

StateNorth Dakota
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Is Person Looking for Treatment?Yes No
More Information
Preferred Contact Method?Phone Email

Are There Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detox Centers for Teens in Wishek?

Yes, there are different types of Alcoholism Treatment and Alcohol Detoxification Centers available in Wishek for teens and adolescents. The decision to enroll your child into a Wishek Alcohol Treatment Program is not one to be taken lightly. When alcohol abuse has become a central aspect of your teen’s life, time is essential. You must quickly educate yourself about the many different types of adolescent Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detoxification Centers available in Wishek. Parents and families must be informed and involved in their child's alcohol abuse recovery.

Adolescence is a time of transition when the body is undergoing many significant changes, such as hormonal alterations and brain development. It is also a time when your child may begin to associate with peers and new friends where they may feel pressure to ‘fit in’ or ‘go along with the crowd’ in order to be accepted socially. These new circumstances can be confusing and difficult for the youth in Wishek to understand and deal with. Often their ability to make correct or safe decisions is also at a stage of immaturity. Exposing the brain to alcohol during this period may interrupt key processes of brain development, possibly leading to mild cognitive impairment as well as to a further escalation of drinking leading to alcohol abuse and addiction.

Many parents in Wishek tend to justify teen alcohol abuse as a "stage" that their teen will grow out of, but this is often not the case. In fact, studies have shown that adolescents who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence at some time in their lives. For this reason, The earlier one seeks help from an Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Wishek for their adolescents alcohol abuse problems, the better.

It is important to note that alcohol treatment for teens does not need to be voluntary to be effective. In fact, most teens having alcohol abuse problems don't realize their drinking has gotten out of control at all, despite having negative consequences with school, family, and behavior. When your child's ability to make safe and correct decisions is compromised, it is vital that as their parent, you step in to make the correct decision for your them so they may remain safe and receive the help they need from a Wishek Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility.

How Long Should I Stay in an Alcohol Treatment Program in Wishek?

There is no "magic number" as to how long is best when it comes to the length of alcohol abuse rehabilitation. There are many factors to think about when considering how long your Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Wishek should be. These factors include the length of alcohol abuse history, your history of prior alcohol treatment, your budget for rehab, and how many if any relapses you may have had, and the severity of underlying issues or trauma's in your life. There is no way to determine exactly how long it will take you to fully recover from alcohol abuse. A good way of looking at the duration of alcohol treatment is that recovery from alcohol takes as long as it takes. This of course varies wildly from person to person in Wishek.

Scientific research and statistics have determined that longer term residential Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detox Centers consisting of 90 days or longer provide the greatest potential for success. Many in-patient Alcoholism Treatment and Alcohol Detoxification Centers in Wishek are typically 28 or 30 days in length. Most 28 or 30 day Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detoxification Centers in Wishek were originally designed to conform with insurance companies because many insurance carriers only cover a maximum of 28 to 30 days of substance abuse treatment. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict with certainty that exactly "28 days" is the correct amount of time to recover from drug or alcohol addiction. In fact, in most cases this is not enough time for a successful lasting recovery.

When trying to determine the correct length of stay at an Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility in Wishek, It is always best to seek help from an addiction professional who can assess the overall situation and be able to suggest the correct treatment type and length based on their knowledge and experience. Let's face it, alcohol abuse and addiction, to a vast majority of people is largely misunderstood and as a result, people often make improper choices as to which type of Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility in Wishek they should consider, therefore they often receive inadequate treatment.

Why would I Need Alcohol Detox in Wishek?

When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit "cold turkey" they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms -- which can range from the mildly annoying to severe and even life-threatening. For this reason, an alcohol detox in Wishek is often necessary.

An alcohol detox center in Wishek would be the first step of recovery from alcohol abuse. Alcohol detox centers in Wishek are designed to safely manage physical withdrawal symptoms while coming of alcohol as well as assist with psychological and emotional discomforts of coming off alcohol. Alcohol detox should be done under the care of a licensed medical facility in Wishek. Attempting to detox from alcohol without proper professional help is extremely dangerous. It can result in serious physical, psychological, and emotional consequences which can include death.

It is important to note that Wishek alcohol detox is only the initial step in the alcohol abuse recovery process. Alcohol detox programs only provide physical and emotional stabilization while going through alcohol withdrawal and therefore, alcohol detox in Wishek should not be viewed as full rehabilitation. Wishek Alcohol Rehabilitation and Alcohol Detox Centers will append efforts to maintain the gains made in alcohol detox, while working towards establishing a firm ground upon which future long-term recovery is to be built.

Research has shown that the vast majority of people in Wishek that complete alcohol detox, but fail to continue treatment in a Wishek residential Alcohol Treatment Program, end up in relapse. Alcohol detox is a vital component in the recovery process, but lasting recovery in Wishek is generally achieved through a structured Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that addresses the root of the addiction and not just its physical effects.

Spirit Lake Nation
Spirit Lake Nation is a Alcohol Treatment Program located at 7102 Crowhill Road Fort Totten, ND 58335
Spirit Lake Nation specializes in Pregnant Women, Women, Men, DUI / DWI, and Criminal Justice Clients. Spirit Lake Nation provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Spirit Lake Nation accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Spirit Lake Nation is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (701) 766-4285.

Positive Solutions Counseling
Positive Solutions Counseling is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 202 South Central Avenue Valley City, ND 58072
Positive Solutions Counseling specializes in Teens, and DUI / DWI. Positive Solutions Counseling provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Positive Solutions Counseling accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Positive Solutions Counseling is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (701) 845-2498.

Drake Counseling Services Inc
Drake Counseling Services Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 1202 23rd Street South Fargo, ND 58103
Drake Counseling Services Inc specializes in Teens, and DUI / DWI. Drake Counseling Services Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Day Treatment Services. Drake Counseling Services Inc accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Drake Counseling Services Inc is a Alcoholism Treatment Center that can be contacted at (701) 293-5429.

Robert E Howe Ltd
Robert E Howe Ltd is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 1445 1st Avenue North Fargo, ND 58102
Robert E Howe Ltd specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, and Criminal Justice Clients. Robert E Howe Ltd provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Robert E Howe Ltd accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Robert E Howe Ltd is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (701) 261-8668.

Heartview Foundation
Heartview Foundation is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Center located at 101 East Broadway Bismarck, ND 58501
Heartview Foundation specializes in DUI / DWI, and Hearing Impaired. Heartview Foundation provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, and Day Treatment Services. Heartview Foundation accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Heartview Foundation is a Alcohol Rehab Center that can be contacted at (701) 222-0386.

Meritcare South University Chemical
Meritcare South University Chemical is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Center located at 1720 South University Drive Fargo, ND 58103
Meritcare South University Chemical specializes in Hearing Impaired. Meritcare South University Chemical provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Day Treatment Services, and Hospital / Medical Inpatient. Meritcare South University Chemical accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Meritcare South University Chemical is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (701) 461-5300.

Centre Inc
Centre Inc is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detox Center located at 123 15th Street North Fargo, ND 58102
Centre Inc specializes in Women, and Criminal Justice Clients. Centre Inc provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Halfway Housing, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. Centre Inc accepts these payment options : Self Pay. Centre Inc is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (701) 237-9340x15.

Prairie Saint Johns
Prairie Saint Johns is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 510 4th Street South Fargo, ND 58103
Prairie Saint Johns specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, and Hearing Impaired. Prairie Saint Johns provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Day Treatment Services, and Hospital / Medical Inpatient. Prairie Saint Johns accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Prairie Saint Johns is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (701) 476-7200.

Rose Basaraba LAC Counseling Services
Rose Basaraba LAC Counseling Services is a Alcoholism Treatment Program located at 433 East Bismarck Expressway Bismarck, ND 58504
Rose Basaraba LAC Counseling Services specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Senior / Over 50, Pregnant Women, Women, and DUI / DWI. Rose Basaraba LAC Counseling Services provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Rose Basaraba LAC Counseling Services accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Rose Basaraba LAC Counseling Services is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (701) 224-1615.

Meritcare Health Systems
Meritcare Health Systems is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 720 4th Street North Fargo, ND 58102
Meritcare Health Systems specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse. Meritcare Health Systems provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Day Treatment Services, and Hospital / Medical Inpatient. Meritcare Health Systems accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Meritcare Health Systems is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility that can be contacted at (701) 234-4088.

Veterans Affairs Medical Center Fargo
Veterans Affairs Medical Center Fargo is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detox Facility located at 2101 North Elm Street Fargo, ND 58102
Veterans Affairs Medical Center Fargo specializes in DUI / DWI. Veterans Affairs Medical Center Fargo provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, and Day Treatment Services. Veterans Affairs Medical Center Fargo accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Military Insurance. Veterans Affairs Medical Center Fargo is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (701) 237-3700x3569.

Audrey Kazmierczak Counseling Service
Audrey Kazmierczak Counseling Service is a Alcohol Rehab Facility located at 433 East Bismarck Expressway Bismarck, ND 58504
Audrey Kazmierczak Counseling Service specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Senior / Over 50, Pregnant Women, Women, Men, and DUI / DWI. Audrey Kazmierczak Counseling Service provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Audrey Kazmierczak Counseling Service accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Audrey Kazmierczak Counseling Service is a Alcohol Program Alcoholism Center that can be contacted at (701) 471-1170.

Volk Human Services
Volk Human Services is a Alcoholism Treatment Facility located at 501 3rd Street Devils Lake, ND 58301
Volk Human Services specializes in Hearing Impaired. Volk Human Services provides these types of treament : Mental Health Treatment. Volk Human Services accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Volk Human Services is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (701) 662-1911.

North Dakota State Hospital
North Dakota State Hospital is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Facility located at 2605 Circle Drive Jamestown, ND 58402
North Dakota State Hospital specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, DUI / DWI, Criminal Justice Clients, and Hearing Impaired. North Dakota State Hospital provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Residential Long Term Treatment, and Hospital / Medical Inpatient. North Dakota State Hospital accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. North Dakota State Hospital is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (701) 253-3750x3201.

South Central Human Service Center
South Central Human Service Center is a Alcoholism Treatment Program and Alcohol Detox Center located at 520 3rd Street NW Jamestown, ND 58401
South Central Human Service Center specializes in Teens, and Hearing Impaired. South Central Human Service Center provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Detox, Halfway Housing, Day Treatment Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. South Central Human Service Center accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. South Central Human Service Center is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (701) 253-6300.

First Step Recovery PLLP
First Step Recovery PLLP is a Alcohol Rehab Program located at 1 2nd Street North Fargo, ND 58102
First Step Recovery PLLP provides these types of treament : Detox. First Step Recovery PLLP accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. First Step Recovery PLLP is a Alcohol Treatment Program and Alcohol Detoxification Facility that can be contacted at (701) 293-3384.

New Freedom Center
New Freedom Center is a Alcohol Rehab Center and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 905 East Interstate Avenue Bismarck, ND 58503
New Freedom Center specializes in DUI / DWI. New Freedom Center provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services, Day Treatment Services, Residential Short Term Treatment, and Residential Long Term Treatment. New Freedom Center accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. New Freedom Center is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detox Center that can be contacted at (701) 222-4673.

Simon Chemical Dependency Services
Simon Chemical Dependency Services is a Alcohol Treatment Facility and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 1445 1st Avenue North Fargo, ND 58102
Simon Chemical Dependency Services specializes in Teens, Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, and Criminal Justice Clients. Simon Chemical Dependency Services provides these types of treament : Substance Abuse Services. Simon Chemical Dependency Services accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, and Self Pay. Simon Chemical Dependency Services is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (701) 298-8108.

Southeast Human Service Center
Southeast Human Service Center is a Alcohol Rehab Program and Alcohol Detoxification Center located at 2624 9th Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103
Southeast Human Service Center specializes in Co-Occuring Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Pregnant Women, and Men. Southeast Human Service Center provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and Day Treatment Services. Southeast Human Service Center accepts these payment options : Medicaid Insurance, Medicare Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Pay, Sliding Scale Fees, and Pay Assistance. Southeast Human Service Center is a Alcohol Rehab Facility and Alcohol Detox Facility that can be contacted at (701) 298-4500x4434.

Only Human Counseling
Only Human Counseling is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Program located at 118 Broadway Fargo, ND 58102
Only Human Counseling specializes in Teens, DUI / DWI, and Hearing Impaired. Only Human Counseling provides these types of treament : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Only Human Counseling accepts these payment options : Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance, and Self Pay. Only Human Counseling is a Alcohol Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Detoxification Center that can be contacted at (701) 476-0497.

Alcohol Treatment Centers by City in North Dakota Listed Alphabetically:

Nearby Cities

Lehr is 9.94 Miles from Wishek
Ashley is 17.71 Miles from Wishek
Venturia is 17.99 Miles from Wishek
Napoleon is 19.79 Miles from Wishek
Fredonia is 22.58 Miles from Wishek
Zeeland is 23.72 Miles from Wishek
Hague is 26.42 Miles from Wishek
Artas is 28.24 Miles from Wishek
Streeter is 29.22 Miles from Wishek
Kulm is 29.24 Miles from Wishek
Strasburg is 30.13 Miles from Wishek
Linton is 32.25 Miles from Wishek
Gackle is 32.26 Miles from Wishek
Long Lake is 32.42 Miles from Wishek
Braddock is 33.10 Miles from Wishek
Eureka is 33.90 Miles from Wishek
Jud is 36.43 Miles from Wishek
Hazelton is 37.80 Miles from Wishek
Herreid is 38.00 Miles from Wishek
Hillsview is 40.75 Miles from Wishek

Find Alcohol Rehab Centers in Major Cities Near Wishek, North Dakota:

Fargo is 137.26 Miles from Wishek
Sioux Falls is 233.35 Miles from Wishek
Rapid City is 233.83 Miles from Wishek

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