| |
Warning Signs of Alcohol Abuse |
Idaho Population, Income, Education, Employment, and Federal Funds
Idaho Population |
Total |
Year |
1980 |
944,127 |
1990 |
1,006,749 |
2000 |
1,293,953 |
2009 (latest estimates) |
1,545,801 |
Idaho Income |
Total |
Idaho Per-capita income (2008 dollars) |
2007 |
32,837 |
2008 |
32,994 |
Percent change |
-3.2 |
Idaho Earnings per job (2008 dollars) |
2007 |
39,724 |
2008 |
38,099 |
Percent change |
-4.1 |
Idaho Poverty rate (percent) |
1979 |
12.6 |
1989 |
13.3 |
1999 |
11.8 |
2008 (latest model-based estimates) |
12.5 |
Idaho Education (Persons 25 and older) |
Total |
Idaho Percent not completing high school |
1980 |
26.3 |
1990 |
20.3 |
2000 |
15.3 |
Idaho Percent completing high school only |
1980 |
36.5 |
1990 |
30.4 |
2000 |
28.5 |
Idaho Percent completing some college |
1980 |
21.4 |
1990 |
31.7 |
2000 |
34.6 |
Idaho Percent completing college |
1980 |
15.8 |
1990 |
17.7 |
2000 |
21.7 |
Idaho Employment |
Total |
Idaho Total number of jobs |
2007 |
932,309 |
2008 |
939,793 |
Idaho Percent employment change |
2006-2007 |
1.8 |
2007-2008 |
-1.3 |
2008-2009 |
-4.1 |
Idaho Unemployment rate (percent) |
2008 |
4.9 |
2009 |
8.0 |
Idaho Federal Funds, FY 2008 |
Total |
Federal funding, dollars per person |
Idaho All Federal funds |
7,878 |
Federal funding by purpose |
Idaho Agriculture and natural resources |
200 |
Idaho Community resources |
1,458 |
Idaho Defense and space |
140 |
Idaho Human resources |
132 |
Idaho Income security |
4,040 |
Idaho National functions |
1,908 |
Federal funding by type of payments |
Idaho Grants |
1,062 |
Idaho Direct loans |
169 |
Idaho Guaranteed/insured loans |
1,216 |
Idaho Retirement/disability payments |
2,550 |
Idaho Other direct payments to
individuals |
915 |
Idaho Direct payments, not to
individuals |
149 |
Idaho Procurement contracts |
1,311 |
Idaho Salaries and wages |
506 |
Idaho Organic Agriculture
2008 |
Number of certified operations |
221 |
Idaho Crops (acres) |
96,563 |
Idaho Pasture & rangeland (acres) |
51,223 |
Idaho Total acres |
147,786 |
Idaho Farm Characteristics
Idaho 2007 Census of Agriculture |
2007 |
Idaho Approximate total land area (acres) |
52,894,974 |
Idaho Total farmland (acres) |
11,497,383 |
Percent of total land area |
21.7 |
Idaho Cropland (acres) |
5,918,899 |
Percent of total farmland |
51.5 |
Percent in pasture |
8.3 |
Percent irrigated |
48.4 |
Idaho Harvested Cropland (acres) |
4,225,786 |
Idaho Woodland (acres) |
531,767 |
Percent of total farmland |
4.6 |
Percent in pasture |
64.2 |
Idaho Pastureland (acres) |
4,602,886 |
Percent of total farmland |
40.0 |
Idaho Land in house lots, ponds,
roads, wasteland, etc. (acres) |
443,831 |
Percent of total farmland |
3.9 |
Idaho Conservation practices |
Idaho Farmland in conservation or
wetlands reserve programs
(acres) |
836,910 |
Idaho Average farm size (acres) |
454 |
Idaho Farms by size (percent) |
1 to 99 acres |
59.6 |
100 to 499 acres |
23.5 |
500 to 999 acres |
7.1 |
1000 to 1,999 acres |
4.8 |
2,000 or more acres |
5.0 |
Idaho Farms by sales (percent) |
Less than $9,999 |
60.1 |
$10,000 to $49,999 |
16.9 |
$50,000 to $99,999 |
5.9 |
$100,000 to $499,999 |
10.5 |
More than $500,000 |
6.5 |
Idaho Tenure of farmers |
Idaho Full owner (farms) |
18,324 |
Percent of total |
72.3 |
Idaho Part owner (farms) |
5,472 |
Percent of total |
21.6 |
Idaho Tenant owner (farms) |
1,553 |
Percent of total |
6.1 |
Idaho Farm organization |
Idaho Individuals/family, sole
proprietorship (farms) |
21,308 |
Percent of total |
84.1 |
Idaho Family-held corporations
(farms) |
1,434 |
Percent of total |
5.7 |
Idaho Partnerships (farms) |
2,124 |
Percent of total |
8.4 |
Idaho Non-family corporations (farms) |
99 |
Percent of total |
0.4 |
Idaho Others - cooperative, estate or
trust, institutional, etc. (farms) |
384 |
Percent of total |
1.5 |
Characteristics of principal farm operators |
Average operator age (years) |
56.5 |
Percent with farming as their
primary occupation |
45.7 |
Men |
22,198 |
Women |
3,151 |
Idaho Farm Financial Indicators
Idaho Farm income and value added data |
2008 |
Idaho Number of farms |
25,200 |
Thousands $ |
Final crop output |
3,011,556 |
+ Final animal output |
3,289,751 |
+ Services and forestry |
592,390 |
= Final agricultural sector output |
6,893,696 |
- Intermediate consumption outlays |
3,638,914 |
+ Net government transactions |
19,241 |
= Gross value added |
3,274,024 |
- Capital consumption |
426,565 |
= Net value added |
2,847,459 |
- Factor payments |
1,011,432 |
Employee compensation (total hired labor) |
581,960 |
Net rent received by nonoperator landlords |
191,679 |
Real estate and nonreal estate interest |
237,793 |
= Net farm income |
1,836,027 |
Idaho Top Commodities, Exports, and Counties
ID. Top 5 agriculture commodities, 2009 |
Value of receipts
thousand $ |
1. Dairy products |
1,430,514 |
2. Cattle and calves |
961,618 |
3. Potatoes |
784,980 |
4. Wheat |
491,949 |
5. Hay |
420,393 |
All commodities |
5,160,698 |
Idaho Top 5 agriculture exports, estimates, FY 2009 |
million $ |
1. Vegetables and preparations |
476.7 |
2. Wheat and products |
281.4 |
3. Feeds and fodders |
227.9 |
4. Other |
173.0 |
5. Dairy products |
140.7 |
Overall rank |
1,481.8 |
Idaho Top 5 counties in agricultural sales 2007 |
Thousands $ |
1. Cassia County |
626,721 |
2. Gooding County |
624,420 |
3. Twin Falls County |
471,860 |
4. Jerome County |
461,599 |
5. Canyon County |
420,928 |
State total |
5,688,765 |
State Offices
Idaho Drug Policy, Enforcement and Government Agencies
Governor's Office
Office of the Governor
State Capitol Building
West Wing, Second Floor
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-2100
State Legislative Contact
Legislative Services
State Capitol Building
700 West Jefferson Street
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-2475
Attorney General's Office
Office of the Attorney General
State Capitol Building, Room 210
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-2400
Law Enforcement Planning
Department of Law Enforcement
Police Services Division
6087 Clinton Street
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 327-7102
Crime Prevention Office
Idaho Crime Prevention Association
7200 Barrister Drive
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 377-6622
Statistical Analysis Center
Idaho Department of Law Enforcement
Support Services Bureau
P.O. Box 700
Meridian, ID 83680
(208) 884-7044
Uniform Crime Reports Contact
Uniform Crime Reports
Idaho Department of Law Enforcement
Bureau of Criminal Identification Bureau
6064 Clinton Street
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 327-7130
BJA Strategy Preparation Agency
Idaho Department of Law Enforcement
Bureau of Criminal Identification
6064 Clinton Street
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 327-7130
Judicial Agency
Administrative Director of the Courts
Supreme Court
Supreme Court Building
451 West State Street
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-2246
Corrections Agency
Department of Corrections
State Office Building
700 West State Street
Statehouse Mail
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-2318
RADAR Network Agency
Idaho RADAR Network Center
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725
(208) 385-3471
STD/HIV Program
Department of Health and Welfare
Bureau of Communicable Disease Prevention
450 West State Street, Fourth Floor
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-6526
Drug and Alcohol Agency
Substance Abuse Program
Division of Family and Children's Services
Towers Building, Third Floor
450 West State Street
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-5935
State Coordinator for Drug-Free Schools
Drug Education Consultant
Idaho Department of Education
Len B. Jordan Building
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-2165
Idaho, like other states has problems with alcohol abuse. You might not realize that you have a drinking problem. You might not drink every day, or you might not drink large amounts when you drink. You might go for days or weeks between drinking episodes. You might say you're a "social drinker." But even if you don't drink very often, it's still possible to have problems with alcohol abuse and to be at risk for becoming addicted to it.
Watch for the following signs of alcohol abuse:
- You have problems at work or school because of your drinking. These may include being late or absent, being injured at work, and not doing your job or schoolwork as well as you can.
- You drink in dangerous situations, such as before or while driving a car.
- You have blackouts. This means that after a drinking episode you cannot remember what happened while you were drinking.
- You have legal problems in Idaho or somewhere else because of your drinking, such as being arrested for harming someone or driving while drunk (intoxicated).
- You get hurt or you hurt someone else when you are drinking.
- You continue to drink despite health problems that are caused or made worse by alcohol abuse, such as liver disease (cirrhosis).
- Your friends or family members are worried about your alcohol abuse problems.
In Idaho and across the United States many people who are suffering with alcohol abuse problems are not receiving the alcohol abuse treatment they need. Often, it is because that all important first step is so difficult for the alcoholic to make. Many times an alcohol intervention is needed. If you or your loved one in Idaho has an alcohol abuse problem, you are looking in the right place. Professionals in the alcohol abuse treatment field are very familiar with the problems faced by alcoholics and their families. Alcoholism is deadly. It kills friendships, marriages, families and communities. No one associated with the alcoholic goes unscathed. There are alcohol abuse treatment programs in Idaho ready to help.
Once you or your loved one has made the choice to enter into alcohol abuse treatment, the first step in the process is alcohol detox. If you are dependent on alcohol and you stop drinking, you may have withdrawal symptoms and need to attend alcohol detox. Common withdrawal symptoms include feeling sick to your stomach and vomiting, sweating, nervousness, and shaking. Withdrawal symptoms usually don't occur until about 24 hours after you stop drinking. Symptoms are at their worst about 3 days after you stop drinking.
For most recovering alcoholics, alcohol detox is necessary and can be difficult. Idaho alcohol detox is a process that in order for the alcoholic to get sober, they must undertake it. Alcohol detox is best conducted within the walls of a medical facility. Alcohol has been in the system of the alcoholic for so long that when it is taken out, the body reacts violently. This reaction can be fatal. The body will convulse and become nauseous. This can all be very uncomfortable. The best thing to do is to perform alcohol detox within an alcohol rehab facility.
When your Idaho alcohol detox program is complete the next step in recovery is beginning your alcohol rehab and continuing treatment. There are as many different alcohol rehab approaches as there are addictive drugs. Individualized Idaho alcohol rehab programs work with the different dynamics each client brings. The vicious cycle of alcohol abuse causes varying amounts of damage to the family, health, legal, occupational repercussions, and mental health issues. All of which, contribute to the difficulties Idaho alcohol rehab facilities confront. Even if few of these apply to an individual, the severity of addiction itself ranges significantly. Many Idaho alcohol rehab centers use evidence-based treatment techniques. Social model programs that paved the way have shown us proven ways of aiding people into recovery. Alcohol rehab programs may also incorporate behavioral therapy (One-on-one Counseling, Cognitive therapy, and Psychotherapy) as a way for clients to cope with their alcohol cravings, personalized relapse prevention, and to help clients deal with situations that may arise after alcohol abuse treatment.
Year |
Total vs. Alcohol Related Fatalities in Idaho |
Tot |
Alc-Rel |
% |
0.08+ |
% |
1982 |
256 |
132 |
51 |
110 |
43 |
1983 |
263 |
129 |
49 |
113 |
43 |
1984 |
242 |
117 |
48 |
100 |
41 |
1985 |
255 |
137 |
54 |
116 |
45 |
1986 |
258 |
147 |
57 |
119 |
46 |
1987 |
260 |
135 |
52 |
121 |
46 |
1988 |
257 |
119 |
46 |
99 |
38 |
1989 |
238 |
107 |
45 |
93 |
39 |
1990 |
244 |
133 |
55 |
113 |
46 |
1991 |
264 |
127 |
48 |
112 |
43 |
1992 |
243 |
104 |
43 |
93 |
38 |
1993 |
230 |
111 |
48 |
101 |
44 |
1994 |
250 |
93 |
37 |
84 |
34 |
1995 |
262 |
90 |
35 |
79 |
30 |
1996 |
258 |
94 |
36 |
81 |
31 |
1997 |
259 |
104 |
40 |
90 |
35 |
1998 |
265 |
100 |
38 |
86 |
33 |
1999 |
278 |
104 |
37 |
89 |
32 |
2000 |
276 |
119 |
43 |
90 |
33 |
2001 |
259 |
91 |
35 |
79 |
31 |
2002 |
264 |
91 |
34 |
75 |
28 |
2003 |
293 |
107 |
37 |
90 |
31 |
2004 |
260 |
93 |
36 |
81 |
31 |
2005 |
275 |
89 |
32 |
85 |
31 |
2006 |
267 |
102 |
38 |
84 |
31 |
2007 |
252 |
88 |
35 |
70 |
28 |
2008 |
232 |
93 |
40 |
78 |
34 |
Idaho DUI Penalties
First DUI conviction
- Charged as a misdemeanor
- Up to six months in jail
- Up to $1,000 in fines
- 3-6 month driver's license suspension
Second DUI conviction (within 10 years)
- Charged as a misdemeanor
- Mandatory jail sentence of at least 10 days
- Up to $2,000 in fines
- One-year driver's license suspension
- Installation of ignition interlock device
Third DUI conviction (within 10 years) - Charged as felony
- Mandatory jail sentence of at least 30 days
- Up to $5,000 in fines
- 1-5 year driver's license suspension
- Installation of ignition interlock device
Idaho Alcohol Statistics Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatality Data 2008 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities: | 78 | Youth Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities: | 10 | Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities per 100,000 population | | Total All Ages: | 5.1 | Youth Under 21: | 2.1 | 1998-2008 Percent Change in Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities per 100,000 Population | | Total All Ages: | -20.2 | Youth Under 21: | -37.0 | Hardcore Drunk Drivers Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities Involving High BAC Drivers (.15+): | 74% | Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities Involving Repeat Offenders by BAC level | | BAC .08 - .14: | 44% | BAC .15+: | 56% | Youth Alcohol Consumption Data 2006-2007 (12-20 Year Olds) Consumed Alcohol in the Past Month: | 23.4% | Binge Drinking in the Past Month: | 17.3% | Arrest Data 2008 Driving Under the Influence | | Under 18: | 209 | Total All Ages: | 11,850 | Liquor Laws | | Under 18: | 1,940 | Total All Ages: | 6,494 | Drunkenness | | Under 18: | 0 | Total All Ages: | 0 |
Idaho students urged to be proactive about alcohol abuse problems
IDAHO -- Two weeks ago two College of Southern Idaho students died in a car accident where police say alcohol abuse was believed to be a factor.
More | | Idaho Alcohol may no longer mix well on federal land in Idaho
Idaho may be catching up to other states when it comes to enforcing alcohol and drug laws as some loopholes are about to be closed.
More | |
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Alcohol Treatment Centers by City in Idaho Listed Alphabetically: | | Quick Drug Facts |
There are many local law enforcement agencies that hold classes where they can test your blood alcohol in different situations. Stay aware of how much you have had and don't be caught drunk driving when it could have been easily avoided.
From 2001-2003, youth were 96 times more likely to see an ad promoting alcohol than an ad promoting responsible drinking.
If you have unproductively made an effort to quit drinking or if you promised yourself that your drinking days are gone and then you recognized that you were drinking irresponsibly just a few days later, chances are especially good that you have alcohol abuse problems.
Figures for heavy episodic drinking among young people in different countries vary greatly but cannot readily be compared because age group samples and definitions of heavy episodic drinkers differ between countries, and because the information is gathered in different ways.